Indexing upgrade errors
Upgraded from EV 9.0.4 to 10.0.4 and in the process of upgrading the indexes to 64-bit. I have a number of indexes that report failed items with the error below.
SeqNo SSID URL Error Code Raw Error
2672 201005022762357~200805011517270000~Z~01068601E766B572925AEDEBC1AA0E91 https://EV.WRALLP.COM/EnterpriseVault/download.asp?VaultID=1150A1BA940EB204ABAA1BBE8800B13021110000EV&SavesetID=201005022762357~200805011517270000~Z~01068601E766B572925AEDEBC1AA0E91&Request=NativeItem 100 Error encountered whilst trying to fetch item Sequence Number '2672' Item Identifier '201005022762357~200805011517270000~Z~01068601E766B572925AEDEBC1AA0E91'
Is there anything that can be done about this error. I have tried rebuilding one index with the same result.