Forum Discussion

pjglick's avatar
Level 4
11 years ago

Inellgible Message Classes

I know how do add the message classes view to outlook, but without going through each folder withih users mailbox it is hard to find, is there a report that can be run against a users mailbox to show what messages would be inelligible?





  • Hi pjglick,

    The archiving report will tell you how many messages were not eligible for archiving, but it won't tell you what message classes were not eligible. If you are familiar with powershell, you can write a script that openseach mailbox and extracts the list of the message classes from each item. This blog has a script that you can use and make some changes to read all the message classes:

    I hope this helps.

  • As noted above running the archive task in report mode gives you the info as eligible/ineligible counts.

    Another simple, if time consuming, solution would be to open the mailbox in Outlook, search all messages then Categorise by messageclass. Collapse all and you get a messageclass and count. Compare these against the messageclasses in your Exchange, Mailbox policy.