Forum Discussion

Sani_B's avatar
Level 6
9 years ago

Is there a detailed documentation on how to publish EV through OWA 2010 through netscaler?

Hi guys,

I'm trying to switch TMG to a netscaler but I cannot find any detailed instructions how to do it to EV OWA publishing.

While the TMG settings I have the external ip addresses stated on the cas server iis owa applications - when I switch those to the netscaler IP (nothing else is change on the EV side) and logging in to owa it shows me the search and archive explorer icons normally and I can even open them and see the item list in all the folders BUT when I try to open one /any of these items - nothing happens. No new window open or anything. It's like the request stops there and does nothing. Any functionality like open/ forward / reply doesn't do anything...


Any idea what might be the issue here?

I did log these tests on the cas servers but I couldn't find any clear issues there...

Sani B.

  • Additional info!

    If View mode in desktop policy for the owa before 2013 setting is Enterprise vault - the item can be opened but if it's OWA the item does not open.

    What can restrict it like this?


  • IE is 11 and it's in compatibility mode as it would not work at all if not.

    The EV server is also 10.0.4 CHF3 version.




  • what version of IE are you using and what version of EV server are you running? (i see you're running 10.0.4 CHF3 of the OWA extensions)

    try running IE in compatibility mode.

  • AndrewB, well the publication is then just working fine but I "celebrated too early" on this one.

    It worked perfectly after those IE settings were changed and the laptop rebooted but now the next day it's again giving the error:

    Webpage error:

    Line: 87
    Error: The value of the property 'ViewItemOWA2007' is null or undefined, not a Function object.


    Any experience why IE would not be able to function properly?





  • sani, changing a setting in IE is not a solution for how to publish EV through OWA 2010 through netscaler

  • If anyone has an explanation to why unchecking those debugging script options makes it work - I'm all ears...


  • The issue with unable to open a message from owa -> archive explorer seem to be browser based. I did this:

    Open IE > tools > internet options > Advanced > uncheck disable script debugging for IE and for others > apply > OK

    Do a system restart

    And now the items can be opened normally.

  • My colleague troubleshooted this issue with the IE developement tools and found out that trying to open a message from the owa -> archive explorer / search it produces an exeption:

    "ViewItemOwa2007 is undefined"

    In a log there was a line "Error: the value of the property "ViewItemOwa2007" is null or undefined... "

    We have Exchange 2010 / CAS 2010, Enterprise vault 10.0.4 CHF3 - owa extension packages installed on the cas servers so why is the error referring to 2007 version?

    Any one familliar with this error?

  • AndrewB, thanks for your reply.

    I found those discussions too but those do not help.

    The TMG side has been published like this: (External IP ) = https://CAS.domain.local/owa (internal IP (external IP = http://EV.domain.local/enterprisevault (internal IP

    VAC desktop policy settings

    owa connection = direct
    OWA proxy URL =          


    web.config file of CAS server:

    <add key="EnterpriseVault_ExternalWebAppUrl" value=""/>

    <add key="EnterpriseVault_ExternalIPAddressesl" value="2 ip addresses of TMG"/>


    And this works! (set like this with veritas support as we had to troubleshoot it for a while before we got it to work).

    Tried those settings just changhing the ip of the EnterpriseVault_ExternalIPAddresses to 1 netscaler ip address.


    This results that I see the icons in owa - can open both search and AE and can even see the list of messages but clicking a message does absolutely nothing.


    Tried also with these setting mentioned in one of those links

    VAC desktop policy:

    owa connection = use proxy
    OWA proxy URL =          

    web.config file of CAS server:

    <add key="EnterpriseVault_UseExternalWebAppUrl" value="true"/>
    <add key="EnterpriseVault_ExternalWebAppUrl" value=""/>


    No change with these setting still not able to open an item.

    What was interestin I tried these latest settings to the TMG side too (deleted the IP parameter and added the useexternalwebappurl setting) and I managed to get the same issue there. Everything else seem to work exept openin an item from the AE or search listing... - put back the ip values and changed the owa connection to direct and voilá it worked normally again...

    why would the ip value not work for netscaler but it does work for TMG...? Any ideas?


  • hi sani. this is all i found. someone who knows the netscaler product should be able to accomplish this like they would for other applications. hope it helps point you in the right direction.