Forum Discussion

Striker_303's avatar
14 years ago

Is there a known issue with EV 9.02 incremental backups

Is there a known issue with EV 9.02 incremental backups getting hung using backup exec 2010R3,

When I restart EV service and try backup again it works 1-2 times after that.

(full backups work fine)


Please suggest.. trying to figure out..if its a issue with BE or EV?

  • When a backup hangs, try to kill the Storage File Watch process

    Does the backup continues?

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Kind regards.

  • Thanks Jesus for the reply..


    One of the BE support tech told me its a issue with EV. 9.02...However I could not found any article over same


    I have uninstalled BE EV license and added again..would update you how backup works after this.



  • Thanks Gonz would try that when backup would stuck again..and update you back.

    "Storage File Watch process" - I would find that on EV server..correct

  • Ask the BE tech for the Technote or E-track reference if he states it's an issue with EV