Forum Discussion

Davide_EVITA's avatar
2 months ago

Issue using "Run now" option for archive task

Hi all

I'm experiencing a strange issue on archive task on my 12.2 EV environment.

If i lunch an archive task using the "Run now" option on a specific maibox the task run for long time ( i tested it asking to archive only 1 item) and after it finish in the report i found "0" items archive also if the "Future eligible items" is poulate with a numer greater than 3000.

If wait for the scheduled archive task for the same mailbox during the night it works correctly.

I've laready checked event viewer but no errors or warnings appear, checked the VSA and it's OK, no issue regarding backup mode.

Also using dtrace i don't have any errors, seems it check every not archived yet mail in the mailbox and find a lots of them elegible for archive, but it don't do it.

Only "strange" messages that i found with dtrace for every mail scanned are:

{PropsItem::HasShortcutProps:#151} Shortcut properties are not present (incorrect MAPI type; expecting PT_STRING8).
{MigratedDominoItems::IsMigratedDominoShortcut:#200} This msg is not a migrated Domino shortcut: Item does not have Domino shortcut properties.


(ArchiveTask) <13948> EV:L {CPrioritizedItemTable::InsertRow:#295} (Age) - Table overflow


The issue seems related only to a particular big mailbox (around 250GB), no other mailboxes impacted.







1 Reply

  • Hi Davide,

    seems like you've reached a limit in the database somehow, for what I understand.

    It is probably best to create a support case.

    For that you will probably have to change from the 7 year old version you are using ;), the end of support was January of this year.