The last lines of the EVDeployReports.Log say the following, in my opinion not really helpful because I already know that the Config Program isn't communicating with IIS on the server
[2012/05/11 08:56:45:055] Leaving UIHelper::LoadXMLDocument()
[2012/05/11 08:56:45:055] XPath Query used to find the help file: /EVReportingFiles/EVReportHelp/File[@NeutralLocale='en']
[2012/05/11 08:56:45:060] Finding help file for UI culture: en-US
[2012/05/11 08:56:45:060] Entered UIHelper::GetCurrentFilePath
[2012/05/11 08:56:45:060] Leaving UIHelper::GetCurrentFilePath
[2012/05/11 08:56:45:060] Help File Complete Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault\\Documentation\en\Admin_Console_Help.chm
[2012/05/11 08:56:45:060] Leaving ReportDeployForm::ReportsDeployForm_Load
[2012/05/11 08:56:49:217] Leaving UIHelper::GetSQLServersList
[2012/05/11 08:56:49:220] Entered ReportDeployForm::GetSQLServersCallback
[2012/05/11 08:56:49:290] Entered Configuration::Configuration()
[2012/05/11 08:56:49:291] Entered RsHelper2005::RsHelper2005()
[2012/05/11 08:56:49:291] Leaving RsHelper2005::RsHelper2005()
[2012/05/11 08:56:49:291] Leaving Configuration::Configuration()
[2012/05/11 08:56:49:291] Entered Configuration::11:24 AM 2012/05/11
[2012/05/11 08:56:49:294] Entered RsHelper::ListReportServerItems()
[2012/05/11 08:56:49:299] Waiting for web response, RetryCount = 1
[2012/05/11 08:57:19:299] Waiting for web response, RetryCount = 2
[2012/05/11 08:57:49:301] Waiting for web response, RetryCount = 3
[2012/05/11 08:58:19:359] Waiting for web response, RetryCount = 4
[2012/05/11 08:58:49:365] Waiting for web response, RetryCount = 5