Forum Discussion

vmds's avatar
Level 5
14 years ago

Journaling Mailbox wont archiv



EV 9 SP1, Exchange 2010 SP1


A customer recently had licensing issues. He was without a licence for over a week, hence no archiving was taking place.

The licence issue is fixed now, but the journaling archiving wont work now.

Eventlog entrys are:


This mailbox cannot be processed until the Exchange provisioning task has processed the corresponding user's details. Ensure that a provisioning group includes this user and run the provisioning task. 
To disable these warnings, set the 'HideMissingPolicyInfoErrors' registry value to 1. See the documentation for further details. 
Message store:  (Note: emtpy here, i didnt forget to copy/past it)
An error occurred performing a request to synchronize the mailbox /O=Company/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=JOURNALING. 
Error: This mailbox cannot be processed until the Exchange provisioning task has processed the corresponding user's details. Ensure that a provisioning group includes this user and run the provisioning task.     To disable these warnings, set the 'HideMissingPolicyInfoErrors' registry value to 1. See the documentation for further details.     Mailbox:      Message store:       [0x80040d1d] 
If i try to manually sync the journaling mailbox (selective) i can see the mailbox but the sync abborts with "Mailbox cannot be synchronized".
I can open the mailbox with the System Account, the Mailbox isnt set to hide within the Address lists.
I can see pending archives at the very bottom of the Mailbox, however its set to archive immediately.
I did set the journaling policy to reset the pending archives now ('0') but this wont happen as long as i cannot synchronize the mailbox :(
Tried the following article:
--> The lastmodified date from the journaling mailbox is set to 16.02.2011. I tried to reset the date to 2001-05-18 10:40:00.000 but it wont let me. (Meldung 242, Ebene 16, Status 3, Zeile 3
Bei der Konvertierung eines varchar-Datentyps in einen datetime-Datentyp liegt der Wert außerhalb des gültigen Bereichs. Read: Conversion of a varchar datatype from a datetime datatype is outside of the valid area - roughly translated.)
I attached a dtrace from the agent client broker here:
I would appreciate some help.
  • 1. RDP to the Enterprise Vault Server as the EVAdmin account
    2. Open the Vault Admin Console and go to Enterprise Vault Servers -> your EV Server -> Tasks
    3. Right click your Journal Task and press Stop

    4. Then go to Targets -> Exchange -> your Domain -> Exchange Server -> your Exchange Server
    5. Then expand out "Journal Mailbox"
    6. Go to the properties of the journal mailbox you are targeting
    7. Note the archive it goes to and the retention and journal policy
    8. Close the properties window and then highlight the journal mailbox and then click delete.

    9. Next open up a SQL Management Studio window
    10. Run the following command

    USE EnterpriseVaultDirectory
    DELETE FROM ExchangeMailboxEntry WHERE MbxDisplayName = 'Your Journal Mailbox'

    11. Once you have deleted the entry, go back to the Vault Admin Console
    12. Under the "Journal Mailbox" container, right click and press New Journal Mailbox
    13. Follow the wizard through, choose the correct archive for it to go to, choose the correct policy and retention and choose the Task that has been stopped
    14. Once the the journal mailbox is targeted again, restart the task and attempt a synchronization

    as mentioned earlier before by Gertjan, items will remain in the mailbox for at least 5 minutes (maybe less if you've configured it to be so) because of the way that Exchange 2007 and 2010 handle journal reports, so EV will leave the item in the mailbox 5 minutes before archiving it completely and then after the 5 minutes fully archive and delete the item from the mailbox

  • Hi

    In the tracefile, the errorcode is 0x80040d1d

    This indeed (when searching) points to

    You write:I tried to reset the date to 2001-05-18 10:40:00.000

    I assume you mean 2011-05-18 ?

    What happens if you do a select on this? Perhaps your date-format is different?

    If that all fails, then I suggest to create a new journalmailbox, and a new task, and see what that does.

  • Yes i meant 2011-05-18 :)

    I did a select and my date format that i try to reset is the same as it appears from the select..


    Just 20min ago the exchange server crashed with a blue screen, we will investigate that as soon as possible (seems to be a vmware problem). 

    However, after the exchange was up and running again, the journal mailbox was suddenly filled with pending archiv shortcuts. Also the message queues are filling. Still, there are more pending item shortcuts then messages in the message queue, how so?

    Also, the shortcuts wont vanish, as they should (archiv immediately). 

    I still cant sync the mailbox, same error messages as above.


    Not other way around then making a new journal mailbox?




    Just noticed, that the message count in the mailbox goes down. It was at ~96.000 and is now at 93.000. Still the messages at the very bottom are still there. No clue why they wont go away. Seems like EV is archiving "in between" and not from bottom to top.

  • Journaling from Exchange 2010 is slower than from 2007/2003, this is due to an issue with Outlook 2007 on EV-server.

    As you see messages dropping, it IS working.

    Check this, and verify you do have this horfix installed:

    Also check this one:

    And check your NSPI settings on the DC's (if W2008) (

    also check document:

    Do NOT use the registry key mentioned. It is really only a value for testing purposes. The document explains why it is slower.

    Good luck,.

  • If you ever see a warning saying the journal needs to be provisioned, you will need to stop the task, remove the journal target, then delete the journal mailbox entry from the exchangemaolboxentry table, then readd the mailbox target There were also some hotfixes released by Symantec for journaling that will help, gertjan may have included the links here and you will need the 2007 performance hotfix, also check the cas servers for any errors or breaches of the throttling policies
  • The reason why i cant update the lastmodified entry is, that the sql server is installed on a german system, while the enterprise vault server is installed on a english system... due to different date/time settings it cant convert :(


    Well, the journal mailbox is emtpy now, still i cant sync the journal task.


    Is there any support article how to recreate the task using the same journal mailbox? will this affect anything already inside the journal archiv?

  • 1. RDP to the Enterprise Vault Server as the EVAdmin account
    2. Open the Vault Admin Console and go to Enterprise Vault Servers -> your EV Server -> Tasks
    3. Right click your Journal Task and press Stop

    4. Then go to Targets -> Exchange -> your Domain -> Exchange Server -> your Exchange Server
    5. Then expand out "Journal Mailbox"
    6. Go to the properties of the journal mailbox you are targeting
    7. Note the archive it goes to and the retention and journal policy
    8. Close the properties window and then highlight the journal mailbox and then click delete.

    9. Next open up a SQL Management Studio window
    10. Run the following command

    USE EnterpriseVaultDirectory
    DELETE FROM ExchangeMailboxEntry WHERE MbxDisplayName = 'Your Journal Mailbox'

    11. Once you have deleted the entry, go back to the Vault Admin Console
    12. Under the "Journal Mailbox" container, right click and press New Journal Mailbox
    13. Follow the wizard through, choose the correct archive for it to go to, choose the correct policy and retention and choose the Task that has been stopped
    14. Once the the journal mailbox is targeted again, restart the task and attempt a synchronization

    as mentioned earlier before by Gertjan, items will remain in the mailbox for at least 5 minutes (maybe less if you've configured it to be so) because of the way that Exchange 2007 and 2010 handle journal reports, so EV will leave the item in the mailbox 5 minutes before archiving it completely and then after the 5 minutes fully archive and delete the item from the mailbox