Looking for specific SQL query
Hi All
EV 12 SP2 site, I am looking for a SQL query that will tell me exactly what VS partition a particualr Saveset ID is assocaited with
I have a large, 12 server, 16,000 user environment with OSIS implemented but with multiple VS partitions and some of these partitions are not active. This customer is migrating there journal data to Mimecast and the migration is failing with " partitions arent accessible "
Anyway I know the specific Saveset ID but I just need to know what query in SQL I can use to see what partition its stored on
the following one might help: (Not really beautiful but should do the job)
USE <VaultStoreDB>
SELECT IdTransaction, PartitionEntry.IdPartition, PartitionEntry.PartitionRootPath from Saveset inner join [EnterpriseVaultDirectory].[dbo].PartitionEntry
on saveset.idPartition = PartitionEntry.IdPartition
where IdTransaction = '<TID_as_GUID>'You could also perform a dumpsaveset operation which gives you the exact location of the dvs file and shared parts.
How to extract the Saveset and SIS parts of a specific archived item using EVSVR https://www.veritas.com/content/support/en_US/article.100022284