Firstly, I strongly suggest you open a case with Support so that we can help ensure it is done correctly and there is no chance of data loss. The information provided below is based on incomplete information if you log a call we can be 100% that our suggestions will work as expected
But if you didnt want to do that you will basically need to turn off Migration, which is a simple change to the SQL Tables and move the data back to the original locations:-
1) Ensure you have a GOOD FULL backup of the entire EV SQL environment
2) Change the values on all Partition Properties to 'Migrate files older than' = '999 years' and 'Remove collection files from Primary Storage' = '999 years' - This will stop EV from migrating the copied data back to the secondary storage whilst the copy process is still underway
3) Copy the items from the DR500 back to the original location/s
4) Once the above is complete look in the PartitionEntry table held in the EnterpriseVaultDirectory table and you will see a 'Migrate' column, you will basically need to change this value to 0 (zero), it will be the easiest way of doing it.
The above setting in SQL is on a partition by partition basis so you would be better off moving the items on a partition by partition basis and making the changes as you go along.
EV as default will initially look at the original storage location to recall any items, if it cannot see the archived files there it checks to see if the partition has been setup for migration, if it has it goes off to see if it can find the items in the Secondary location so simply changing that value AFTER the items have been moved back to their original EV archived locations shoud do the job you need.
***** Again I strongly suggest that you open a case with Support to carry this out ******