Migrating back to mailbox blows out journaling database
Hi All,
Currently my client is using EV9.
I am migrating some 1000 users from Ex2k7 to Ex2k10. The client wants to use Exchange Personal Archives and remove Enterprise Vault.
It all seems to be working just fine except when migrating archived items back into users' live mailboxes, the journaling database is blown out. It looks like the Export Archive Wizard creates and sends brand new e-mail messages identical to those in the archive, causing the same messages to be journaled again.
Another issue is that after migrating items back into the mailbox the stubs aren't deleted. In fact, if I repeat the migration a couple of times, I end up with the stubs as well as as many copies of the same item as many times I run the wizard. You'd think that by v9 this would have been a mature and robust procedure. Nice one, Symantec :-) However this is the least of my concerns as I have ways to handle it.
My greatest concern is journaling: I found no documentation on the internal workings of the export wizard, so I am a bit in the dark. I am trying to keep away from PST files to minimise file handling and human error as it isn't me who does the bulk migration. Therefore my preference is to move items back to mailboxes and let Exchangee move them into the archive.
Has anyone been hit by this issue? Is there a way to prevent it from happening without using PST files or turning off journaling?