Migrating mailboxes (Exchange 2003 > 2010) With stubbed emails
Hi guys,
We have Enterprise Vault v10 (10.0.2.xxxx) in our Exchange 2003 environment which stubs any emails in mailboxes that are older than 30 days.
The stubbed data is stored on our Enterprise Vault server.
We are planning to migrate from Exchange Server 2003 to Exchange Server 2010 SP2.
The questions I have are:
1. When a mailbox has been migrated over to Exchange 2010, will the stubbed emails still accessible/able to be populated?
2. Do we need to make any changes/upgrade our Enterprise Vault server as we're migrating to Exchange 2010? Anything to bare in mind regarding 32-bit to 64-bit email platform?
3. Will we need to make any changes to the Add-in on the Outlook clients? We have Outlook 2007 on our workstations.
4. Also we have Symantec's E-Discovery product which we will be using. Will this tool be able to journal/search run queries against emails that have been stubbed and migrated to Exchange 2010?
Thank in Advance
Yes Discovery Accelerator is an additional product, as well as Clearwell, and each are designed to the legal search and hold, with Clearwell being more robust.
You should consult your Symantec partner or sales rep to see which products fits your needs.