Forum Discussion

Stormonts's avatar
Level 5
17 years ago

"Miscellaneous Error" when trying to deploy reports.

  We are running MSSQL 2005 on WIndows 2003 x64.  Our Enterprise Vault is running on a separate server from the SQL Server and I'm trying to configure reporting on the SQL server.  When I run the "Enterprise Vault Reporting Configuration" utility, I get a message that says "Deployment error.  Miscellaneous error." when I click on the SQL Reporting Services instance.  The contents of "EVDeployReports.log:
Added TextWriterTraceListener listener to the listener collection successfully
Leaving AppClass::AddTextWriterTraceListerner
No command line options are provided. Invoking GUI
Entered AppClass::GetMSRSVersion
Failed to open registry key - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\Reporting Services\Version
Check if MSRS 2005 is installed on this machine
Entered UIHelper::OpenRegistryKey
UIHelper::Calling RegOpenKeyEx : SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\Instance Names\RS
Leaving UIHelper::OpenRegistryKey
MSRS 2005 is installed on this machine
Entered ReportDeployForm::ReportsDeployForm_Load
Entered UIHelper::GetCurrentFilePath
Leaving UIHelper::GetCurrentFilePath
Entered UIHelper::GetLanguages
Entered UIHelper::LoadXMLDocument()
Leaving UIHelper::LoadXMLDocument()
Configuring Language: en-US
English Name: English(US)
Configuring Language: ja
English Name: Japanese
Configuring Language: zh-CN
English Name: Chinese
Leaving UIHelper::GetLanguages
Setting Language to current thread language
Entered AppClass::GetMSRSVersion
Failed to open registry key - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\Reporting Services\Version
Check if MSRS 2005 is installed on this machine
Entered UIHelper::OpenRegistryKey
UIHelper::Calling RegOpenKeyEx : SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\Instance Names\RS
Leaving UIHelper::OpenRegistryKey
MSRS 2005 is installed on this machine
Entered AppClass::GetSSRSInstances
Entered UIHelper::GetRegistryValueNames
UIHelper::Calling RegOpenKeyEx : SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\Instance Names\RS
UIHelper::GetRegistryValueNames Data for Value SEP : 0
UIHelper::GetRegistryValueNames Data for Value ENTVAULT : 0
UIHelper::GetRegistryValueNames Data for Value WSUS : 0
UIHelper::GetRegistryValueNames Data for Value BACKEXEC : 0
UIHelper::GetRegistryValueNames Data for Value  : 0
Leaving UIHelper::GetRegistryValueNames
Leaving AppClass::GetSSRSInstances
Creating tooltips
Entered UIHelper::GetSQLServersList
Entered UIHelper::GetCurrentFilePath
Leaving UIHelper::GetCurrentFilePath
Entered UIHelper::LoadXMLDocument()
Leaving UIHelper::LoadXMLDocument()
XPath Query used to find the help file: /EVReportingFiles/EVReportHelp/File[@NeutralLocale='en']
Finding help file for UI culture: en-US
Entered UIHelper::GetCurrentFilePath
Leaving UIHelper::GetCurrentFilePath
Help File Complete Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault\Admin_Console_Help.chm
Leaving ReportDeployForm::ReportsDeployForm_Load
Leaving UIHelper::GetSQLServersList
Entered ReportDeployForm::GetSQLServersCallback
Entered Configuration::Configuration()
Invalid command line arguments are passed
Leaving ReportDeployForm::GetSQLServersCallback
Entered AppClass::GetMSRS2005Info
Entered UIHelper::GetRegistryValue
UIHelper::Calling RegOpenKeyEx : SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\Instance Names\RS
UIHelper::GetRegistryValue Data for value ENTVAULT : MSSQL.4
Leaving UIHelper::GetRegistryValue
Entered UIHelper::GetRegistryValue
UIHelper::Calling RegOpenKeyEx : SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.4\Setup
UIHelper::GetRegistryValue Data for value SQLPath : C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.4\Reporting Services\
Leaving UIHelper::GetRegistryValue
Install Path - C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.4\Reporting Services\ReportServer
Entered AppClass::GetVirtualDirectoryPath
Leaving AppClass::GetVirtualDirectoryPath
RS virtual directory - http://HAWK/ReportServer$EntVault
Leaving AppClass::GetMSRS2005Info
Entered Configuration::Configuration()
Entered RsHelper::RsHelper()
Leaving RsHelper::RsHelper()
Leaving Configuration::Configuration()
Entered RsHelper::ListReportServerItems()
Exception : System.InvalidOperationException: Client found response content type of 'text/html', but expected 'text/xml'.
The request failed with the error message:
<html><head><title>Error</title></head><body>%1 is not a valid Win32 application.
   at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall)
   at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)
   at ReportingService.ListChildren(String Item, Boolean Recursive)
   at Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Reporting.RsHelper.ListReportServerItems(String folderPath, Boolean recursive)
   at Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Reporting.Configuration.IsReportingInstalled()
   at Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Reporting.ReportDeployForm.MSRSInstance_SelectedIndexChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e)
  • I've seen this happen when the /Reports and /ReportsServer virutal directories are set to use .NET 1.1 instead of 2 in IIS:
    In IIS Expand Web Sites -> Default Web Site -> Right click on each site in turn and select properties -> ASP.NET tab -> ensure ASP.NET version is 2.0

5 Replies

  • This is occuring on our Database server which is running Windows 2003 R2 64-bit.  Is that the problem?  Can the reporting run on a 64 bit platform?

  • I am also getting the "Miscellaneous error" after attempting to deploy EV reporting services.
    The client where we I attempting this install first is asking that we install the EV reporting services on a Test SQL reporting server, but know during the deploy i point it at the production SQL where EnterpriseVaultDirectory databases are located.
    Here is extract from the log of my failed deployment:
    Entered ReportDeployForm::DeployReportsCallback
    Entered Configuration::Configuration()
    Invalid command line arguments are passed
    Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Reporting.DeploymentException: Error code:  ReportDeployMiscError
    Server stack trace:
       at Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Reporting.AppClass.ConfigureReporting()
       at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink._PrivateProcessMessage(IntPtr md, Object[] args, Object server, Int32 methodPtr, Boolean fExecuteInContext, Object[]& outArgs)
       at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink.PrivateProcessMessage(RuntimeMethodHandle md, Object[] args, Object server, Int32 methodPtr, Boolean fExecuteInContext, Object[]& outArgs)
       at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink.AsyncProcessMessage(IMessage msg, IMessageSink replySink)
    Exception rethrown at [0]:
       at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.EndInvokeHelper(Message reqMsg, Boolean bProxyCase)
       at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RemotingProxy.Invoke(Object NotUsed, MessageData& msgData)
       at Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Reporting.ReportDeployForm.DeployReportsDelegate.EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result)
       at Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Reporting.ReportDeployForm.DeployReportsCallback(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
    Leaving ReportDeployForm::DeployReportsCallback

  • Stormonts wrote:
    Leaving AppClass::GetVirtualDirectoryPath
    RS virtual directory - http://HAWK/ReportServer$EntVault
    Leaving AppClass::GetMSRS2005Info
    Entered Configuration::Configuration()
    Entered RsHelper::RsHelper()
    Leaving RsHelper::RsHelper()
    Leaving Configuration::Configuration()
    Entered RsHelper::ListReportServerItems()
    Exception : System.InvalidOperationException: Client found response content type of 'text/html', but expected 'text/xml'.
    The request failed with the error message:
    %1 is not a valid Win32 application.

       at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall)
       at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)
       at ReportingService.ListChildren(String Item, Boolean Recursive)
       at Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Reporting.RsHelper.ListReportServerItems(String folderPath, Boolean recursive)
       at Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Reporting.Configuration.IsReportingInstalled()
       at Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Reporting.ReportDeployForm.MSRSInstance_SelectedIndexChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e)

    Stormonts, the error is actually coming from MS SQL Reporting Services and not from EV.
    When you install the reporting services, you have two virtual directories
    Reports being the nice GUI front end that you see when you access reports and what not, and ReportServer being a programatical gateway to view deployed reports, and has other abilities that we query.
    All we are doing is a simple call to http://HAWK/ReportServer$EntVault
    But the problem is it's giving back
    The request failed with the error message:
    %1 is not a valid Win32 application
    You would see the same result if you paste that in to Internet Explorer.
    So what is the error and why are you seeing it?
    Well, my first guess would that the 32bit version of MSRS has been installed OR that NET Framework for 32 bit is running against IIS.
    Also make sure that the Microsoft SQL Reporting Configuration Utility shows that everything is set up correctly (its rudimentary but you can easily tell if something is misconfigured)
    Ultimately it's a Microsoft MSRS issue, until we can view that page correctly, we will not be able to deploy reports.
    As for the other poster, its seeming to suggest that when you ran the deployment utility from the command line you passed an invalid argument in one of the switches, any chance we can have a look at that?
  • I've seen this happen when the /Reports and /ReportsServer virutal directories are set to use .NET 1.1 instead of 2 in IIS:
    In IIS Expand Web Sites -> Default Web Site -> Right click on each site in turn and select properties -> ASP.NET tab -> ensure ASP.NET version is 2.0