Forum Discussion

dennis_kloster's avatar
17 years ago

Mobile Search: EV 8

Does anyone have any information on the Mobile Search functionality that may or may not be available in EV 8? The marketing material states: "Access via Blackberry and Windows Mobile devices allows users on the go to search* and access to archived information anytime anywhere." and then "Note: Mobile Search support available as beta release as of October 2008. Check with your Symantec representative for release status of this feature within Enterprise Vault 8.0."


I can't find any information on what this is and how to access it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

  • EV Mobile Search – Currently in beta - target ship date - Bauer SP2

    EV Mobile Search will allow searching of all archived items via a mobile, web-based search tool. This has been created using the Search API and will allow mobile users to search the archive and view documents from their mobile device. Most common mobile devices will be supported including most RIM Blackberry models, Treo 650/750 and essentially any mobile device with a browser should work. You will not be able to restore messages, forward or reply to messages but you can view and copy content from the archived message.Currently the solution is still in beta.


    To allow customers to sign up for the beta, send them to the CAP site which can be found here:


  • EV Mobile Search – Currently in beta - target ship date - Bauer SP2

    EV Mobile Search will allow searching of all archived items via a mobile, web-based search tool. This has been created using the Search API and will allow mobile users to search the archive and view documents from their mobile device. Most common mobile devices will be supported including most RIM Blackberry models, Treo 650/750 and essentially any mobile device with a browser should work. You will not be able to restore messages, forward or reply to messages but you can view and copy content from the archived message.Currently the solution is still in beta.


    To allow customers to sign up for the beta, send them to the CAP site which can be found here:


  • It is a fairly lightweight application, so it can probably go on the same machine as the existing web server. You should be guided by the behaviour of any existing web applications that you have deployed to your mobile population. Obviously the number of devices in use and the your expectations of how much the application will be used will affect things too. We had a consultant from RIM (Blackberry) look over it, and he didn’t think that it would present much of a system load.
  • Only problem i've found if you logon with a user id which has visibility to more than 5 vaults then you can't see any more.  Even after reset the searchresultscachesize in the web.config
  • SearchResultsCacheSize will not change the amount of vaults that appear. Lookiing in the documentation 5 is the default value for the maximum amount of vaults to appear in the list and there does not appear to be a web.config setting available to change this