Forum Discussion

Chad_I's avatar
Level 3
6 years ago

Move Archive Status Shows "Waiting To Update Shortcuts"

I am running EV 12.2.  I began moving a group of users from VSG to VSG.  A large handful of users are stuck at Step 2 "Waiting to Update Shortcuts".  I have successfully run archiving & shortcut processing against the mailboxes.  

Processing completed @  8:17am / task completed @ 9:22am


but when I look at the log file for the archive move it  reflects:

13/08/2019 09:44:06 Started Processing with current action type: None
13/08/2019 09:44:06 Started Processing
13/08/2019 09:44:22 Step 3 of 5 - Updating shortcuts.
13/08/2019 09:44:22 Entered a sleep state for 30 minutes. Reason: Shortcuts are being updated.
13/08/2019 09:44:23 Stopped Processing


I am stumped.  Anyone have any luck with the same issue?  



2 Replies

  • I am not completely certain but if I remember correctly there might be an issue in EV where this will stay like this forever as there seems to be an entry in the subtask table of the EnterpriseVaultDirectory database which does not reflect the correct status of the shortcut processing (or something similar). Can you find a suitable entry in the subtask table for your move archive request? if so, in which state is this task?

    I can try to find more details about that issue tomorrow. 



    • Marcde's avatar


      To add something: Have you been able to check some shortcuts in the mailbox? Are they still linked to the old archive or the new one? 


      I think I found more details about the steps that have been performed in our situation:

      -Checked the subtask table and the entry for that move archive request had a state of 13 (not in schedule)

      -There has also been another subtask to update shortcuts in state 1 (processing)

      -Changed the state of the subtask from 1 to 12 (requeued)

      -Performed a run now in mode shortcut processing against that mailbox 

      The run now operation then modified the shortcuts and it went to step 5 /5 after some time. Please keep in mind that the same might not be applicable in your environment. Involving technical support should provide more / better details.

