MSMQ on Cluster 2008
Ok, according to the Install doc for EV 10, MSMQ is supposed to be on a cluster drive. Whenever I move MSMQ from local disk to the Cluster new drive, it fails.
I shutdown the MSMQ service.
I change the location for MSMQ
Start Service
and then it fails with all kinds of errors.
Any ideas?
You have to use the Cluster Manager and you need the resources set up before you start. How were you able to install on D? The document I linked to has the following:
The Select Storage dialog box of the High Availability Wizard lists all clustered disk resources that are available for use on the cluster. If there are not any clustered disk resources listed then you must cancel out of the High Availability Wizard, create a clustered disk resource, and start the High Availability Wizard again.
You might want to just start over.