No data being archived
Using EV14.1 , file share is set up ready, volume and folder policy are set up properly for all files, but when I ran the archive task, find no policy associated with the event and no data archived, Any idea plz?
8/23/2021 11:42:47 AM \\\111\[View Archived Files].url test Folder shortcut FolderShortcutWillBeCreated
Summary by volume
Estimated space saved after shortcut creation and file deletion (MB): 0.00
Policy name Rule name Rule type Items matched Size of items matched (MB)
Archive Point Summary
ArchivePointPath VaultStoreName RemoveSafetyCopies
\\\111 testlocal Immediately
Retention Folders Summary
No folders created.
Folder Shortcut To EVS Summary
Status Number of files
ReadyToCreate 1
Total volumes processed: 1
Total folders processed: 1
Total number of files matching an archive rule: 0
Total number of files matching an archive and copy rule: 0
Total number of files matching a do not archive rule: 0
Total number of files matching a delete rule: 0
Total files that matched a rule and were processed successfully: 0 (0.00 MB)
Total files archived by File System Archiving TASK : 0 (0.00 MB)
Total files excluded by a do not archive rule: 0 (0.00 MB)
Total files successfully archived by File System Archiving API: 0 (0.00 MB)
Shortcut Creation
Total number of files matching a 'Create Shortcuts Immediately' rule: 0
Total number of files matching a 'Create Shortcuts Later' rule: 0
Total number of files matching a 'None. Archive and Delete File' rule: 0
Total errors reported: 0
Processing of all volumes is complete.
Start time: 8/23/2021 11:42:46 AM
End time: 8/23/2021 11:42:47 AM
Elapsed Time: 00:00:01