Old user
We had a user who left the business and the account was deleted, recently another user with the same name joined the business and the account was created with exactly the same username. The issue i have is EV can't see this account, as the username already exists in EV's DB and EV will not archive this mailbox?
I have gone into Archives and tried changing the billing usage to this user's name without success.
I'm stuck with this problem now, any pointers/help is appreciated.
you might need to disable the new user first.
Then you should be able to enable.
If that does not work:
See http://www.veritas.com/docs/000089415
When setting that registry key, make sure to set it to 2
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\KVS\Enterprise Vault\Agents\ is location when on 64-bit OS.
New key, DWORD
key name = SynchInMigrationMode
The values are as follows:
0 - (Default.) Generate an error in the event viewer log.
1 - Link the new mailbox to the old record.
2 - Create a new record for the new mailbox
you need to use 2.
I believe you can then rerun provisioning, which will then have a new record written for the new user.