Forum Discussion

oscarmok's avatar
Level 2
15 years ago

Outlook 2003 hanged after EV 7.0 SP2 add-on is enabled

We are currently running EV 7.0 SP2 and Exchange 2003 SP2.  User are running XP SP2, Office 2003 SP2/SP3 with EV add-on.  We had 2 exchange servers. (The main exchange running all the data storage, and one for SMTP).  Our Public folder is located in the SMTP server.

Users are running cache-mode in Outlook.  EV are setup with 2 groups.  On-line vault and Off-line vault.  Off-line are mainly for users from regional offices and laptop users.  On-line are running in head office where EV is installed.  (Head office, regional sites are all running cache-mode in Outlook)

Lately, we have lots of user in the regional sites complain the Outlook would hanged after it launch.  It can be hanged right away or after few minutes it hanged.  By looking at the status connection in Outlook, it is showing Public Folder is showing status as 'Established', whereas our DC and Exchange Mail folder are showing status as 'Connected'.

When we disabled the EV add-on and relaunched, the outlook will run fine.  When once we enable the EV add-on, it hanged again.  EV add-on is the only 3rd party Add-on in our Outlook.  We also tried unplug the NIC and launch OL with EV enabled, it was fine too.

We have opened the ticket with EV but they couldn't figure out what would cause the problem. (with detail logging enable, everything were fine).

Has anyone experience this in the past or any suggestion they can share.

Thanks in advance.

5 Replies

  • hi,

    That sounds like a bug we fixed some time back.  Can you upgrade to V7.5 on a client to see if that resolves the issue?

  • Mike

    Can you refer to me any document (link) regarding that bug?  I need more information regarding this bug.  And if I upgrade the client add-on to v7.5, is it v7.5 SP6?  I am trying not to upgrade the server side because we just implement it awhile ago?


  • I think Mike is referring to this article :

    And I don't believe he's talking about upgrading the server, just the client.. at least for you to test.  My advice would be :-

    a) Try the cumulative client (post EV 2007 SP 4) listed above
    b) Try EV 2007 SP 6 client

    Both are CLIENT fixes, so you can test it out against your EV 7 server with no problem.
  • Thank you Rob and Mike

    I looked at the link provided but I couldn't find which fix was related to my problem.

    Please advice
  • Possibly this one :

    ETrack: 1415648

    And..  please give it a try and see if it resolves the issue.