Forum Discussion

sandrine_goetha's avatar
6 years ago

Outlook add-in

Hello I need help on this request from user.

WE are in the middle of an exchange migration 2010-2016.

As advised by veritas I already migrated my ev system Account mailbox  to exchange 2016.

My problem is the following

I have a user in exchange 10 and she needs ( I have to give her, management...) a folder which doesn't archive.

Before I always did it with EVPM but it doesn't work in her case, so I thouht at the add- in but when I go to the ev tab on her mailbox I receive the page with the arching settings there is

-settings inherited from the Top of nformation store

-you can not change this settings.

My question is what do I have to change in order to be able to do change the archiving settings for a folder

Thank you in advance for your help


  • Hello Sandrine,

    so you are basically trying to achive what is written here? 


    How to turn off archiving for a sub folder within the inbox using Enterprise Vault Policy Manager (EVPM)


    Did you move the mailbox of the VSA or the system mailbox to the new system? The system mailbox should always stay on the server it was configured for. Which errors do you get when you try to execute the EVPM script? The old 2010 Server is still configured in EV? 




    • Hello Marc,

      Yes ,yes and yes.

      I really folowwed all the instructions and even if it works for few hundreds user I have one with problems ( don't ask me  how they configured her mailbox) .But I found out how to coreect the problem with the add-in.
