OWA has encountered a web browsing error after installing Exchange 2007 SP2 Rollup 2
Last night I installed exchange 2007 SP2 rollup 2 in my organization. Now i am getting an error when using OWA and right click on an item, instead of the OWA menu popping up an error comes up stating "Outlook Web Access has encountered a web browsing error." The details of the error are shown below. I was able to narrow this down to the EV OWA add-ons. I uninstalled the add-ins and the right click functionality worked again, i then reinstalled the addons and the same error came up again. Does anyone have any idea how to fix this. I dont want to rollback the exchange updates if possible. Thanks
Client Information
User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
CPU Class: x86
Platform: Win32
System Language: en-us
User Language: en-us
CookieEnabled: true
Mime Types:
Exception Details
Date: Sun Jan 31 15:33:32 EST 2010
Message: 'divEVA' is undefined
Url: https://myhostname/owa/EnterpriseVault/v8.0.3.1845/scripts/premium/listcontextmenu.js
Line: 66
Call Stack
oF = 'undefined'
Dump Event
recordset = null
type = error
fromElement = null
toElement = null
altLeft = false
keyCode = 0
repeat = false
reason = 0
data =
behaviorCookie = 0
source = null
contentOverflow = false
behaviorPart = 0
url =
dataTransfer = null
ctrlKey = false
shiftLeft = false
dataFld =
returnValue = undefined
qualifier =
wheelDelta = 0
bookmarks = null
button = 0
srcFilter = null
nextPage =
cancelBubble = false
x = 0
y = 0
srcElement = null
screenX = 450
screenY = 354
srcUrn =
origin =
boundElements = [object]
clientX = 260
clientY = 160
propertyName =
shiftKey = false
ctrlLeft = false
offsetX = 0
offsetY = 0
altKey = false
errorMessage = 'divEVA' is undefined
errorUrl = https://myhostname/owa/EnterpriseVault/v8.0.3.1845/scripts/premium/listcontextmenu.js
errorLine = 66
errorCharacter = 5
errorCode = 0
- The technote is here :
The hotfix is still on track (it's a post EV 8 SP 3 hotfix effectively a new install of the OWA extensions on each CAS)