17 years agoLevel 5
Problem Client driven pst migration
I've stumbled on a problem with client driven migration.
It works but not to 100%
Some have the status ready to copy but nothing happens and I can't manually change the status.
And some says migrating and has done so for a long time. a couple of them for 7 days.
Please advice
best regards
Message Edited by mickelingon on 02-20-2008 01:36 AM
- We had a simlar issue with a couple of users
and it turned out to be there main laptop was being worked on and they logged into a temp laptop and something strange happened with there pst client migration cause it kept look for the file saying i know you've got it.
eventually it timed out and we removed the item from the pst list view inside enterprise vault admin console also do a f5 refresh on it just incase