Forum Discussion

AKL's avatar
Level 6
14 years ago

PST Import Process And Bulk Import Guidance


I won't say I am new to Enterprise vault - But I am always in learning phase with this product. I am running / administering an Enterprise vault 9.0.1 environment - Exchange 2010 SP1 RU5

Recently, there is a request to do a bulk import for PST files. So I will be running PST locator task - getting PSTs locally on EV servers and then Importing them using PST Migrator service & related tasks.

I am reading through Admin guide and trying to understand it at best atm - But I was wondering if you guys have any suggestions in same direction?

I am looking for:

a. How EV identifies which PST will go to which archives once PST locator task stores them centrally.? (I am assuming it tags from user's workstation itself?)

b. Any VB/Powershell script or Config file for PST import or any recommended way how to go about it?

c. How much load or resource consuming process is this? like CPU/Memory consumption.

d. What will be growth seen on Centera and Index locations for suppose 10GB of PST import?

Any other direction you can point me to - Will be appreciated.

  • Here is a set of docs about PST migrations.  All though they were written for EV 8 they still apply.

    and there is also this:

    As to your specific questions:

    a. How EV identifies which PST will go to which archives once PST locator task stores them centrally.? (I am assuming it tags from user's workstation itself?) 

    You can set the Desktop Policy to Mark PSTs so as users open PST's they will be "marked as the owner", that is covered in the documents above.

    b. Any VB/Powershell script or Config file for PST import or any recommended way how to go about it?

    There are no VB or PS scripts but the last article I linked to talks about using EVPM to do the import as well as the documents above.

    c. How much load or resource consuming process is this? like CPU/Memory consumption.

    This will vary based on number of processes occurring and other archive activity going on.

    d. What will be growth seen on Centera and Index locations for suppose 10GB of PST import?

    Expected growth for 10 GB will be neglible.  For Full Indexing I would estimate around 1.3 GB and for Storage maybe around 6 GB.  The Storage numbers is a bit hard to say so I am just ballparking it.



  • Here is a set of docs about PST migrations.  All though they were written for EV 8 they still apply.

    and there is also this:

    As to your specific questions:

    a. How EV identifies which PST will go to which archives once PST locator task stores them centrally.? (I am assuming it tags from user's workstation itself?) 

    You can set the Desktop Policy to Mark PSTs so as users open PST's they will be "marked as the owner", that is covered in the documents above.

    b. Any VB/Powershell script or Config file for PST import or any recommended way how to go about it?

    There are no VB or PS scripts but the last article I linked to talks about using EVPM to do the import as well as the documents above.

    c. How much load or resource consuming process is this? like CPU/Memory consumption.

    This will vary based on number of processes occurring and other archive activity going on.

    d. What will be growth seen on Centera and Index locations for suppose 10GB of PST import?

    Expected growth for 10 GB will be neglible.  For Full Indexing I would estimate around 1.3 GB and for Storage maybe around 6 GB.  The Storage numbers is a bit hard to say so I am just ballparking it.



  • tony gavea a bunch of great information that i think covers all your questions. just my $0.02, i'd get the locator task up and running while you research and figure the rest out. that way you'll have a head start and at least an idea of what PSTs might be out there in the wild. i wouldn't be surprised if you had much, much more than 10GB.

  • Thanks a lot Tony - This was great information and I am going through all articles narrowly for same. And Andrew, for recommendation on locator task.

    Just a quick wondering - How will be network consumed by PST locator task? Is EV network aware application? (never thought of it in this way) - like if it will stop copying or not copy till a given amount of bandwidth is available?

    I understand that Server driven migration can be scheduled and client driven will do migration in chunks

  • How will be network consumed by PST locator task? Is EV network aware application? (never thought of it in this way) - like if it will stop copying or not copy till a given amount of bandwidth is available? 

    Unfortunatley it is not network aware as you say, though I can say in general I have not seen this become an issue. Usually other factors/bottlenecks are hot before the network would really suffer. Really scheduling for quite periods is the only way to limit network hit.

  • Thanks a lot guys for great assistance & help. The documents gave a good insight into process so I feel comfortable with handling the PST ingestion now.

    I will keep posted here or create new discussion if I run into issues (hopefullt it won't be needed :-)

  • Hello guys

    I really apologize for hijacking an already resolved forum but I had quick query in same direction and thought I will shoot it out here only.

    If someone can assist me with formulating how much data / Exchange databases will grow? If we consider generic stubs with Subject + Banner + Name of attachments?

    I went through all 3 documents but could'nt find any details regarding same.... On how much data will be passed on to Exchange databases in form of stubs (items which EV can't archive we can't much help there - we can keep them as scope of error I guess)