Query on what items were archived on a particular date
Can someone please write a query where I can get information on what items were archived on a certain date for a certain ArchiveID?
Have you checked the Exchange Dumpster to see if the items exist there? could they have been moved and/or deleted?
For instance i know some people run Managed Folders that may delete the items, or move the items that are a certain age to a new location.
But if an item has been archived by EV, it should be indexed already and searchable.
So if i were you i would go to http://yourEVServer/EnterpriseVault/Search.asp?advancedThere are sort options where you can show by newest archived items first
A sql query you could use i suppose is the following, just change EVVSMyVaultStore_1 to the Database name to your Vault Store database the user belongs to.
SELECT A.ArchiveName "Archive Name", REPLACE(CAST(AF.FolderPath AS varchar(max)), '?', '\') "Folder Path", S.IdDateTime "Sent/Received Date", S.ArchivedDate "Archived Date", S.ItemSize "Item Size" FROM EnterpriseVaultDirectory.dbo.Archive A, EnterpriseVaultDirectory.dbo.ArchiveFolder AF, EnterpriseVaultDirectory.dbo.Root R1, EnterpriseVaultDirectory.dbo.Root R2, EVVSMyVaultStore_1.dbo.ArchivePoint AP, EVVSMyVaultStore_1.dbo.Vault V, EVVSMyVaultStore_1.dbo.Saveset S WHERE S.ArchivePointIdentity = AP.ArchivePointIdentity AND S.VaultIdentity = V.VaultIdentity AND AP.ArchivePointID = R1.VaultEntryId AND V.VaultID = R2.VaultEntryId AND R1.RootIdentity = A.RootIdentity AND R2.RootIdentity = AF.RootIdentity AND A.ArchiveName = 'myUser' AND S.ArchivedDate > '2015-03-06 00:00:00.000' ORDER BY "Archived Date"