13 years agoLevel 6
Question in regard to MbxArchivingState
In regard to MbxArchivingState in the ExchangeMailboxEntry table.
If it's set ot 0 = Not Enabled, does that mean that there is no archive associated with that account whatsoever?
Meaning, e.g. if someone set the account to "hidden", it's still not going to be set to 0 on the Archiving State?
What I need is basicly to determine if an account have any archive associated with it, whatever happend to that account over the years.
- 0 = new, 1 = enabled, 2 = disabled, 3 = relinked The hidden mailbox and stuff you're referring to is actually in the column next to it (mbxExchangeState) which would determine what the state is like in the GAL You can check if a mailbox is associated with an archive by seeing whether or not the defaultVaultId column is null or not, but that wont tell you if it's ever had an archive, as the enablement wizard will populate it, but when you disable the mailbox or associate the archive to another mailbox it will set it back to null