Quick Centera Question
Hi All
A quick question about using EMC Centeras and EV as I ahve a ustomer whoi has one and wants to use it for a new EV instalation.
If I have a single EV server which will perform email archiving and also email journaling would I have just one Vault store with Centera partition in it accessing a single pool configured on the Centera.
Or would you have two centera pools one for archiving and one for journal and have two vault stores with each having a centera partition pointing to separate pools .
Also what is the advantages and disadvanteges of both
Thanks in advance
This is absolutely correct. Unlike NTFS whee sharing the same storage location will cause dataloss, Centera uses a content addressed storage and each item (or collection of items if you are using collections), regardless of Vault Store Parition, will have a unique clip id which ev will retrieve from. . .therefore you will not lose the data.
This is a fine, supported, and by many- prefered configuraiton.