re-enable disabled mailboxes
I have been moving mailboxes and mailbox archives between sites, prior to moving the mailboxes I disabled archiving for each mailbox.
Now that the mailboxes and archives have been moved I would like to re-enable the mailboxes for archiving again.
I have run the provisioning task but when I use the enable mailbox wizard it does not show any mailboxes to enable.
The users are all in the correct provisioning groups.
When I look at the archiving report for the server they are moved to it correctly shows the mailboxes as being disabled and no archiving being done.
Is there something else that has to be done to re-enable archiving on these mailboxes.
I checked the targets and all good, I ran another couple of provisioning task runs and also performed some database maintenance, and the disabled mailboxes are now showing and I am now re-enabling them.