Forum Discussion

  • Not built into the product. If you were handy with SQL you could probably write a simple query. Of course if you're just doing journaling, you could just create new vaults each year and just do a usage on that vault.
  • Hi,

    You can run this query via SQL query analyser and it'd show you how many items have been archived against each archive in the last year.

    select ArchiveName,count(*) as 'ItemsArchived' from
    ,archivepoint ,saveset where archiveddate >getdate()-365 and
    saveset.archivepointidentity = archivepoint.archivepointidentity and
    enterprisevaultdirectory.dbo.root.vaultentryid = archivepoint.archivepointid
    group by archivename
    order by archivename desc

    If you just want something like how many items have been archived in the last year the query will be

    select count(*) from saveset where archiveddate>getdate()-365
  • You can get size as well I think. I use it to set quotas (work out how much PST data we migrated and then add a few hundred Mb more). You can sub-divide by retention category as well if you want. Remember PST reports sizes that bear little resemblence to reality -- must've been coded by a bloke :-) -- so EV always records PST migrated data as being much bigger than it really is.