Forum Discussion

Alikh's avatar
Level 3
12 years ago

Retention category change

Hi All,

Recently I have been discussing with one my colleague about designing a deletion plan for archived items.

The only obstacle we see in our plan is the options available in retention category. We dont users to delete the archived items, while automatic deletion of items by storage expiry should be able to do that.

We are stuck at a point where we dont see any direction further to assess what we were planning.

I thought of sharing our experience with you just in case great minds have any tricks to work around it.


Thanks in advance.

  • Well, there has been several enhancements with EV 10.0.4. Have you checked 10 SP4 new features?

    Retention category has new options now, where you can restrict users (manual) from deleting any items under that retention category while automatic deletion can takes place.

    I hope this helps.

  • Well, there has been several enhancements with EV 10.0.4. Have you checked 10 SP4 new features?

    Retention category has new options now, where you can restrict users (manual) from deleting any items under that retention category while automatic deletion can takes place.

    I hope this helps.

  • In EV 10.0.4, you have two new options on the Retention Category:

    * Prevent automatic deletion of expired items with this category. Select this option to prevent automatic deletion of items with this retention category when the retention period expires.

    * Prevent user deletion of items with this category. Select this option to prevent users from deleting items with this retention category.

    With these options, you can prevent users to delete items from the archive, but storage expiry will delete any expired items in that particular retention category.

    I hope this helps.

  • Oh I see, that looks promising. Thanks, I guess we will need to upgrade to SP4 in order to get benefited then :)