Forum Discussion

Nate_D1's avatar
Level 6
13 years ago

saveset files awaiting backup?

Hi All,


I have noticed on my EVOM details that the Number of Saveset files awaiting backup or replication continues to climb over the past few days.


Can anyone answer what exactly the 'saveset files' are? Im guessing its files that vault wants to move into archive but vault wants to know the files have been backed up before it moves them out of exchange.


My EVOM looks like this:

                                                                                                                      Value         Warning        Critical

Number of Saveset files awaiting backup or replication
(No. of items)
_total   56936 5000 25000 5/21/2012 3:32:55 PM
Number of Saveset files awaiting backup or replication
(No. of items)
vaultjournalstore   14760 5000 25000 5/21/2012 3:32:55 PM
Number of Saveset files awaiting backup or replication
(No. of items)
vaultmailstore   42176 5000 25000 5/21/2012 3:32:55 PM


So Im defintely beyond the 'critical' threshold, however ive found many of the warning/critical thresholds to be set really low. Any help with this would be great! I just need some help getting to the bottom of this, so any information (what these are, how to fix, etc.) would be great!



  • Well, I would defnatly recomend changing your Warning level, because your Warning leve is well bellow your  number of items archived per day.

    Are you using the Archive Bit or the IgnoreArchiveBitTrigger.txt ?