16 years agoLevel 4
Scripting DTRACE
Hey All-
We're seeing some funny and sporadic issues on our environment. In an effort to troubleshoot, I'm looking for a way to schedule DTRACE to run on a specific schedule for a specific set of components. has anyone had any success in doing this ???
Thanks in advance!!
We're seeing some funny and sporadic issues on our environment. In an effort to troubleshoot, I'm looking for a way to schedule DTRACE to run on a specific schedule for a specific set of components. has anyone had any success in doing this ???
Thanks in advance!!
- yes,
I have coverd this a number of times.
@echo off setlocal set dtlogfile=%CD%\dtrace.log del %dtlogfile% /q set dtcmds=dtracecmd.ini echo set DirectoryService v >> %dtcmds% echo log %dtlogfile% >> %dtcmds% echo comment EV Support canned archive task failure script >> %dtcmds% rem log the dtrace output for 20 minutes echo pause 20 >> %dtcmds% for /F "tokens=3*" %%i in ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\KVS\Enterprise Vault\Install" /v InstallPath ^| find "REG_SZ"') DO SET EVINSTALLPATH=%%i %%j path %path%;%EVINSTALLPATH% dtrace.exe < %dtcmds% if exist %dtlogfile% ( echo log file ^(%dtlogfile%^) ) else ( echo Log file ^(%dtlogfile%^) not found. echo +++ more %dtcmds% echo +++ path echo +++ ) :end rem tidy up del %dtcmds% /q endlocal