Forum Discussion

K_G's avatar
Level 6
13 years ago

Secondary storage location


I want to migrate my old EV data to secondary storage location.

Our data in Tier 1 disk now.(IBM Xiv)

I want to migrate my old closed partitions data to cheaper and slower disks.

I talked with  storage team and they say that "we couldnt connect second connection to one server ,it causes problem"

we have cheaper tier 3 netapp disks(7200 rpm) 

I want to know real examples and your environments situation?

Did you use secondary storage location and which devices and nas,san,local you prefered?


  • I don't understand what your storage team is saying ...  what do they mean by a second connection .. from what, to the EV server?


    You can use all different types of storage for your partition data.  eg some people use SAN disks for some storage, and another partition to a NAS, etc.  When you create a new partition you have a long list of storage options, and EV does a (basic) connectivity test for each one to ensure it can reach it, and talk to it reasonably quickly.


    There are a number of ways to migrate partition data to other storage...

    a/ Use Collect & Migrate in the product.

    b/ Backup, copy data to alternative location, alter database, backup, test

    .. probably lots of others, but those are the first two that come to mind.

  • Hi Rob,

    They think that using 2 different SAN in one server can causes  problem like multipathing.

    And they dont prefer to connect iBM xiv and Netapp SAN disks in same server.

    You connect 2 different SAN in 1 EV server? how many HBA you have and you see any problem on multipath?


  • Are there anyone use secondary storage location with 2 different SAN with multipathing?

    or any advice with different usage? (local disk,nw share is not supported?...)

  • I have never heard of any issues..  I have certainly seen many machines that have local and network storage.


    However you'd need to talk to your storage VENDOR.  Maybe your storage team have things confused.

    If the vendor says it's supported .. then it's fine.


    Enterprise Vault in the end just wants a bunch of disk..  there isn't anything in the compatibility lists which talk about which types of disks work with which other types, because it's at a lower level than EV is interested in.