Forum Discussion

Judy_Glazier's avatar
15 years ago

Server Based PST Migrations

EV 8.0 SP4
With Server based pst migration is there any way to stop appointment notifications from popping up during and after the migration of a pst file.

In our case here we have migrated an older pst and now the user is getting up to forty notifications popping up on his desktop and we can only relate it to old notifications from the pst file.

Want to figure out how to disable this feature, but there is nothing in the PST Policy.  ANY SUGGESTIONS would be appreciated

Judy Glazier
  • Judy,

    We've had this issue reported on and off for quite some time, but never been able to lay-down a reproduction of it -- because we want to stop it too.

    My suggestion would be to contact Support, and work with them to gain a good repro of it...  so that we can then attempt to address it (if possible).

    Hope that helps,

  • Judy,

    We've had this issue reported on and off for quite some time, but never been able to lay-down a reproduction of it -- because we want to stop it too.

    My suggestion would be to contact Support, and work with them to gain a good repro of it...  so that we can then attempt to address it (if possible).

    Hope that helps,

  • Thanks for the response Rob

    I will have the customer open a support case for this one.
