Server settings migration wizard failure
I have been attempting to migrate our EV 11.0.1 physical server to a virtual machine running server 2012 with EV 12 on it. Our migration attempt the other night was unsuccessful and so far, Veritas support has been unable to figure out what the problem is, so I thought I would check here to see if anyone has a better idea of the issue.
All of the pre-migration steps have been followed according to the Server Settings Migration Wizard documentation. When we run the tool, it quickly ends and produces the following log information:
7/29/2016 12:38:27 PM Task "Check if the Enterprise Vault services are configured on the server." Started
7/29/2016 12:38:27 PM Task "Check if the Enterprise Vault services are configured on the server." Completed
7/29/2016 12:38:27 PM Task "Check Enterprise Vault version." Started
7/29/2016 12:38:27 PM Enterprise Vault Version is
7/29/2016 12:38:27 PM Enterprise Vault Version check passed
7/29/2016 12:38:27 PM Task "Check Enterprise Vault version." Completed
7/29/2016 12:38:27 PM Enterprise Vault core services configured
7/29/2016 12:38:27 PM Task "Check if Vault Service Account is configured" Started
7/29/2016 12:38:27 PM Can get VSA account from EV services
7/29/2016 12:38:27 PM Task "Check if Vault Service Account is configured" Completed
7/29/2016 12:38:27 PM returning mode Export
Here is the output from a dtrace that was captured using the 'set 101 v' option for Server Setting Migration Wizard.
Opened: 2016/07/29 12:32:20]
Windows version: 6.1.7601 (Windows Server 2008 R2, Service Pack 1)
Time zone: Central Daylight Time
Time difference to UTC: -5:00
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Running in Terminal Services session...
Monitoring debug output from processes running in the console session
Monitoring debug output from processes running in the current Terminal Services session
1 12:33:15.024 [2964] (ServerMigration) <3216> EV:L [EVSM] SMLog.WriteLine Log file does not exist, creating new one
2 12:33:15.039 [2964] (ServerMigration) <3216> EV:L [EVSM] TaskExecution.UpdateTaskStatus Task "Check if the Enterprise Vault services are configured on the server." Started
3 12:33:15.039 [2964] (ServerMigration) <3216> EV:L [EVSM] EVRegistry.ReadValue Registry value [Install] [InstallPath]: [C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault].
4 12:33:15.039 [2964] (ServerMigration) <3216> EV:L [EVSM] EVRegistry.ReadValue Registry value [Install] [VaultServices]: [Installed].
5 12:33:15.039 [2964] (ServerMigration) <3216> EV:L [EVSM] TaskExecution.UpdateTaskStatus Task "Check if the Enterprise Vault services are configured on the server." Completed
6 12:33:15.039 [2964] (ServerMigration) <3216> EV:L [EVSM] TaskExecution.UpdateTaskStatus Task "Check Enterprise Vault version." Started
7 12:33:15.039 [2964] (ServerMigration) <3216> EV:L [EVSM] EVRegistry.ReadValue Registry value [ServerMigration] [OverrideExportVersionCheck]: [].
8 12:33:15.039 [2964] (ServerMigration) <3216> EV:L [EVSM] EVRegistry.ReadValue Registry value [Install] [Version]: [].
9 12:33:15.039 [2964] (ServerMigration) <3216> EV:L [EVSM] TaskExecution.DoTest Enterprise Vault Version is
10 12:33:15.055 [2964] (ServerMigration) <3216> EV:L [EVSM] TaskExecution.DoTest Enterprise Vault Version check passed
11 12:33:15.055 [2964] (ServerMigration) <3216> EV:L [EVSM] TaskExecution.UpdateTaskStatus Task "Check Enterprise Vault version." Completed
12 12:33:15.055 [2964] (ServerMigration) <3216> EV:L [EVSM] EVRegistry.ReadValue Registry value [EnterpriseVault] [SiteId]: [151FED36A25D7C948A65546C1369F80581d10000ev1].
13 12:33:15.055 [2964] (ServerMigration) <3216> EV:L [EVSM] EVPreReqChecks.DoChecks Enterprise Vault core services configured
14 12:33:15.055 [2964] (ServerMigration) <3216> EV:L [EVSM] TaskExecution.UpdateTaskStatus Task "Check if Vault Service Account is configured" Started
15 12:33:15.414 [2964] (ServerMigration) <3216> EV:L [EVSM] TaskExecution.DoTest Can get VSA account from EV services
16 12:33:15.414 [2964] (ServerMigration) <3216> EV:L [EVSM] TaskExecution.UpdateTaskStatus Task "Check if Vault Service Account is configured" Completed
17 12:33:15.414 [2964] (ServerMigration) <3216> EV:L [EVSM] CtrlPreReqChecker.<StartChecking>b__5 returning mode Export
18 12:33:15.445 [2964] (ServerMigration) <2960> EV:M CVCSClusterManager::CVCSClusterManager()
19 12:33:15.445 [2964] (ServerMigration) <2960> EV:L {CMSCSClusterManager::CMSCSClusterManager()} (Entry)
20 12:33:15.445 [2964] (ServerMigration) <2960> EV:L {CMSCSClusterManager::CMSCSClusterManager()} (Exit)
21 12:33:15.445 [2964] (ServerMigration) <2960> EV:M CClusterConfiguration::ClusterSoftwareAvailable: Entering...
22 12:33:15.445 [2964] (ServerMigration) <2960> EV:M CClusterConfiguration::GetMSCSVersionInfo() - OpenCluster failed [1060]
23 12:33:15.445 [2964] (ServerMigration) <2960> EV:M CClusterConfiguration::ClusterSoftwareAvailable - MSCS Failed to get version information
24 12:33:15.445 [2964] (ServerMigration) <2960> EV:M CClusterConfiguration::ClusterSoftwareAvailable - Using cluster software type [None] [0]
25 12:33:15.445 [2964] (ServerMigration) <2960> EV:H [EVSM] EVCluster.Initialise Cluster Software Not available
26 12:33:15.445 [2964] (ServerMigration) <2960> EV:M [EVSM] EVCluster..ctor EVCluster: mode NONE| node | group None
27 12:33:19.626 [2964] (ServerMigration) <2960> EV:M [EVSM] VSAAccount.RunningAsVSA current logon user: GHC911\evsysmb
28 12:33:20.921 [2964] (ServerMigration) <2960> EV:M [EVSM] VSAAccount.RunningAsVSA current logon user: GHC911\evsysmb
29 12:33:21.186 [2964] (ServerMigration) <2960> EV:M [EVSM] VSAAccount.RunningAsVSA current logon user: GHC911\evsysmb
30 12:33:21.202 [2964] (ServerMigration) <2960> EV:L [EVSM] EVRegistry.ReadValue Registry value [Install] [InstallPath]: [C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault].
31 12:33:21.217 [2964] (ServerMigration) <2960> EV:L [EVSM] EVRegistry.ReadValue Registry value [EnterpriseVault] [SiteId]: [151FED36A25D7C948A65546C1369F80581d10000ev1].
32 12:33:21.217 [2964] (ServerMigration) <2960> EV:L [EVSM] EVRegistry.ReadValue Registry value [Install] [Version]: [].
33 12:33:21.248 [2964] (ServerMigration) <2960> EV:L [EVSM] EVDirectoryContext.get_ConnectionString Connection string: [Data Source=bassabspsql;Initial Catalog=EnterpriseVaultDirectory;Integrated Security=True]
34 12:33:21.280 [2964] (ServerMigration) <2960> EV:L [EVSM] EVComputerEntry.GetComputerEntryBasedOnServiceEntryID SQL Query SELECT ce.ComputerEntryID, ce.ComputerName, ce.ComputerNameAlternate, ce.ComputerRootPath FROM ComputerEntry ce LEFT JOIN StorageServiceEntry sse ON ce.ComputerEntryID = sse.ComputerEntryID LEFT JOIN IndexingServiceEntry ise ON ce.ComputerEntryID = ise.ComputerEntryID LEFT JOIN TaskControllerServiceEntry tcse ON ce.ComputerEntryId = tcse.ComputerEntryID LEFT JOIN ShoppingServiceEntry shop ON ce.ComputerEntryID = shop.ComputerEntryID WHERE sse.ServiceEntryId = @serviceEntryID OR ise.ServiceEntryId = @serviceEntryID OR tcse.ServiceEntryId = @serviceEntryID OR shop.ServiceEntryId = @serviceEntryID
35 12:33:21.295 [2964] (ServerMigration) <2960> EV:L [EVSM] EVDirectoryContext.get_ConnectionString Connection string: [Data Source=bassabspsql;Initial Catalog=EnterpriseVaultDirectory;Integrated Security=True]
36 12:33:21.295 [2964] (ServerMigration) <2960> EV:L [EVSM] EVComputerEntry.GetComputerEntryBasedOnAlias SQL Query SELECT ce.ComputerEntryID, ce.ComputerName, ce.ComputerNameAlternate, ce.ComputerRootPath FROM ComputerEntry ce WHERE ce.ComputerName = @machineAlias AND ce.ComputerSiteEntryID = @siteEntryID
37 12:33:21.295 [2964] (ServerMigration) <2960> EV:L [EVSM] EVDirectoryContext.get_ConnectionString Connection string: [Data Source=bassabspsql;Initial Catalog=EnterpriseVaultDirectory;Integrated Security=True]
38 12:33:21.295 [2964] (ServerMigration) <2960> EV:L [EVSM] EVDirectory.GetLogicalMachines SELECT ComputerEntryID, ComputerName, ComputerNameAlternate, ComputerRootPath, CacheLocation FROM ComputerEntry WHERE ComputerNameAlternate = ( SELECT ComputerNameAlternate FROM ComputerEntry WHERE ComputerName = @vaultAlias) EV1
39 12:33:21.295 [2964] (ServerMigration) <2960> EV:L [EVSM] EVDirectory.GetLogicalMachines Adding Entry;| ComputerEntryID: 189F9323FBD179845911E80999E46698E1410000ev1| ComputerName: ev1| ComputerNameAlternate: BASSABEVSVR|
40 12:33:21.295 [2964] (ServerMigration) <2960> EV:L [EVSM] EVRegistry.ReadValue Registry value [Install] [InstallPath]: [C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault].
41 12:33:21.311 [2964] (ServerMigration) <2960> EV:L [EVSM] EVDirectoryContext.get_ConnectionString Connection string: [Data Source=bassabspsql;Initial Catalog=EnterpriseVaultDirectory;Integrated Security=True]
42 12:33:21.311 [2964] (ServerMigration) <2960> EV:L [EVSM] EVDirectory.GetPSTHoldingFolder SELECT se.PstHoldingDirectory, ce.ComputerEntryID, ce.ComputerName FROM SiteEntry se JOIN Task t ON t.SiteEntryID = se.SiteEntryID JOIN ComputerEntry ce ON t.ComputerEntryID = ce.ComputerEntryID WHERE t.SiteEntryID = @siteEntryID AND t.TaskType = 5 AND ce.ComputerNameAlternate = @computerAltNameParam @151FED36A25D7C948A65546C1369F80581d10000ev1 @BASSABEVSVR
43 12:33:21.311 [2964] (ServerMigration) <2960> EV:L [EVSM] EVDirectory.GetPSTHoldingFolder SELECT se.PstHoldingDirectory, ce.ComputerEntryID FROM SiteEntry se INNER JOIN ComputerEntry ce ON se.SiteEntryId = ce.ComputerSiteEntryId WHERE se.SiteEntryID = @siteEntryID AND PSTHoldingDirectory != '' AND ce.ComputerNameAlternate = @computerAltNameParam @151FED36A25D7C948A65546C1369F80581d10000ev1 @BASSABEVSVR
44 12:33:21.311 [2964] (ServerMigration) <2960> EV:L [EVSM] EVDirectoryContext.get_ConnectionString Connection string: [Data Source=bassabspsql;Initial Catalog=EnterpriseVaultDirectory;Integrated Security=True]
45 12:33:21.311 [2964] (ServerMigration) <2960> EV:L [EVSM] EVDirectory.GetPSTMigrationFolders SELECT pmt.TaskEntryID, pmt.MigrationDirectory, ce.ComputerEntryID, ce.ComputerNameAlternate, ce.ComputerName FROM PstMigratorTask pmt JOIN Task t ON t.TaskEntryId = pmt.TaskEntryId JOIN ComputerEntry ce ON t.ComputerEntryID = ce.ComputerEntryID WHERE t.SiteEntryID = @siteEntryID @151FED36A25D7C948A65546C1369F80581d10000ev1 @BASSABEVSVR
46 12:33:21.389 [2964] (ServerMigration) <2960> EV:L [EVSM] EVDirectoryContext.get_ConnectionString Connection string: [Data Source=bassabspsql;Initial Catalog=EnterpriseVaultDirectory;Integrated Security=True]
47 12:33:21.389 [2964] (ServerMigration) <2960> EV:L [EVSM] EVComputerEntry.GetComputerEntryBasedOnAlias SQL Query SELECT ce.ComputerEntryID, ce.ComputerName, ce.ComputerNameAlternate, ce.ComputerRootPath FROM ComputerEntry ce WHERE ce.ComputerName = @machineAlias AND ce.ComputerSiteEntryID = @siteEntryID
48 12:33:21.389 [2964] (ServerMigration) <2960> EV:L [EVSM] EVDirectoryContext.get_ConnectionString Connection string: [Data Source=bassabspsql;Initial Catalog=EnterpriseVaultDirectory;Integrated Security=True]
49 12:33:21.389 [2964] (ServerMigration) <2960> EV:L [EVSM] EVDirectory.GetPartitions SELECT DISTINCT pe.PartitionEntryID, pe.PartitionName, pe.PartitionDescription, pe.VaultStoreEntryID, pe.PartitionRootPath, pe.SecondaryLocation, pe.StagingRootPath, pe.AltSecondaryLocation1, pe.AltSecondaryLocation2, pe.RemotePartitionRootPath, pe.DeviceType, ce.ComputerNameAlternate FROM PartitionEntry pe JOIN VaultStoreEntry vse ON pe.VaultStoreEntryId = vse.VaultStoreEntryId JOIN StorageServiceEntry sse ON sse.ServiceEntryId = vse.StorageServiceEntryId JOIN ComputerEntry ce ON ce.ComputerEntryId = sse.ComputerEntryId WHERE ce.ComputerSiteEntryID = @siteEntryID @151FED36A25D7C948A65546C1369F80581d10000ev1
50 12:33:21.404 [2964] (ServerMigration) <2960> EV:L [EVSM] EVDirectoryContext.get_ConnectionString Connection string: [Data Source=bassabspsql;Initial Catalog=EnterpriseVaultDirectory;Integrated Security=True]
51 12:33:21.420 [2964] (ServerMigration) <2960> EV:H [EVSM] DTraceHelper.LogDTrace User selected mode has thrown a critical exception and migration wizard can no longer execute. Exception: System.InvalidOperationException: The connection was not closed. The connection's current state is open.| at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionInternal.TryOpenConnection(DbConnection outerConnection, DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory, TaskCompletionSource`1 retry, DbConnectionOptions userOptions)| at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.TryOpenInner(TaskCompletionSource`1 retry)| at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.TryOpen(TaskCompletionSource`1 retry)| at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.Open()| at KVS.EnterpriseVault.ServerMigrationLib.EVDirectory.ReadLocations(Nullable`1 secondaryLocation, Nullable`1 altSecondaryLocation1, Nullable`1 altSecondaryLocation2)| at KVS.EnterpriseVault.ServerMigrationLib.EVDirectory.GetPartitions(String computerEntryID, String netBiosName, Boolean HostedOnly)| at KVS.EnterpriseVault.ServerMigrationLib.EVDirectory.GetPartitionLocations()| at KVS.EnterpriseVault.ServerMigrationLib.EVDirectory.GetShares(Boolean excludeEVShares)| at KVS.EnterpriseVault.ServerMigrationLib.EVServerSettings.LoadFromServer(EVCluster cluster)| at KVS.EnterpriseVault.ServerMigrationLib.EVServerConfig.LoadFromServer(EVCluster cluster)| at KVS.EnterpriseVault.ServerMigrationLib.EVServerExport.LoadServerConfig()| at KVS.EnterpriseVault.ServerMigrationLib.EVServerExport.GetServerList()| at KVS.EnterpriseVault.ServerMigration.Controls.Export.CtrlExportServerMigrationSummary.InitializeControls()| at KVS.EnterpriseVault.ServerMigration.Controls.Export.CtrlExportServerMigrationSummary.CtrlExportServerMigrationSummary_Enter(Object sender, EventArgs e)| at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnEnter(EventArgs e)| at System.Windows.Forms.Control.NotifyEnter()| at System.Windows.Forms.ContainerControl.UpdateFocusedControl()
54 12:33:26.786 [2964] (ServerMigration) <2960> EV:L {CMSCSClusterManager::~CMSCSClusterManager()} (Entry)
55 12:33:26.786 [2964] (ServerMigration) <2960> EV:L {CMSCSClusterManager::~CMSCSClusterManager()} (Exit)
56 12:33:26.786 [2964] (ServerMigration) <2960> EV:M CVCSClusterManager::~CVCSClusterManager()
**** DTrace exit - log terminated
Can anyone possibly shed some light on this? Here also is a screen capture of the server settings migration wizard just before it errors out. This screen comes up and disappears very quickly but I was able to finally get a screen capture of it. The text here makes no sense in that the variables for each of the different fields appears to be generic filler text. Any help figuring this out would be greatly apprecaited.