Sharing a virtual vault archive - possible?
Dear All,
Here is our situation.
Job sharing of two users (User A and User B) with one computer. Both users log in to the computer with login of User A. There are two Outlook profile configured on the computer for User A and User B. User A has a EV archive, but not User B.
The question is: Is it possible that User B can us the same archive (Virtual Vault) to archive items with drag and drop? We do not use any policy to automatically archive a mailbox.
Our environment Windows 7 Enterprise 64bit, Outlook 2010, Enterprise Vault 9.01.
Thank you in advance,
That really sounds like a potentially bad idea but you will want to give this a read:
You cannot modify items that are in a virtual vault other than your own
Article:TECH161743 | Created: 2011-06-07 | Updated: 2011-06-07 | Article URL Problem
When a user has access to a secondary mailbox and the Virtual Vault for this mailbox is open in the main mailbox, the following error below will occur while trying to create a new folder or move messages to it.
You cannot modify items that are in a virtual vault other than your own
This behavior is by design. Description below:
In Virtual Vault, access to archives other than the user's primary mailbox archive is read-only. The actions that users can perform in Virtual Vault include the following:
· View, forward, and reply to archived items· After opening an email to send from Outlook, drag and drop items from Virtual Vault into the email to send them as attachments· Search the Virtual Vault with Outlook Instant Search, Outlook Advanced Find, or Windows Desktop Search· Delete items and folders· Move items between folders, and reorganize folders· Archive items using drag and drop· Move items into Virtual Vault using Outlook rules
If creating new folders in the shared mailbox is a requirement, they will need to be created in the mailbox first and synchronized to the archive so they are visible in Virtual Vault.