Forum Discussion

jpergola329's avatar
12 years ago

Shortcut Deletion (Delete orphan shortcuts)

ev8 sp3, win 2003 sp1

having an issues with "deleting orphaned shortcuts".

we have run our monthly expiry.

then ran shortcut processing with "deleting orphaned shortcuts" checked.

the shortcut processing is deleteing the shortcuts based on age, ie. its deleting the item shortcut from the mailbox but the item is still in the archive, not deleting just the orphan ones.



  • Here's the technote Describes your scenario Exactly
  • Hi,

    There is an option under Mailbox policy > Shortcut Deletion called Delete shortcuts in folders. Do you have that option enabled?

    Delete shortcuts in folders. To delete shortcuts in mail folders, select this and specify the age at which shortcuts are to be deleted. There is a warning that users will need to use search to find archived documents. Click Yes.

    Setting this makes Enterprise Vault delete old shortcuts but does not affect the corresponding archived items. Users can still search for the archived items.

    For example, you could choose to delete all shortcuts older than 12 months, but retain archived items for several years.


  • If your observering this problem on non-shortcut archived item (example calander, appointment..etc) then I would like to inform the changes in EV 8.0 sp3 mention in Tech note

    If you are observing this issue with nomal archived item's shortcut (such as normal email) then

    Try with registry 'OrphanedShortcutCheck' with value 1, Please have look on link below.

    Later on check if saveset exist in Saveset or JournalDelete table still have those items? Check if physically items exist?

    Try running dtrace on archive task and perform "run-now\shortcut processing mode" against one of affected user, In dtrace search via subject of shortcut and see what happens to those orphan shortcut during shortcut processing.

  • do not have the "days" option enabled.

    just the "orphaned.." one checked.

    it seem like when an item is set to expiry ie "90" days, and the date hits, expiring the item. the shortcut breaks making it "orphaned", and if we run shortcut procesing, it deltes the shortcut, but the item is still in the vault.



  • There was a bug where If storage expiry is set to report mode it would go ahead and execute shortcut expiry too Will see if I can find the technote
  • Here's the technote Describes your scenario Exactly
  • jesus,

    thank you for the info.

    so pls correct me if im wrong.

    i read the article and it looks like if it set to report mode it will delete the shortcuts.

    so does it even have to be run or just having it set will break the shortcut?



  • Hi,

    This will only happen if Process Vault Stores on the Storage Expiry tab is set to Scheduled Times (whether a schedule is configured or not).

    To Avoid  If Storage Expiry is SET in Report Mode. Process Vault Stores on the Storage Expiry tab must be set to Never.


  • Honestly considering you run expiry, your best bet is to upgrade to the latest version of EV8 where the issues are resolved
  • Great.. Please mark the post as solved.. that will close this Post..