Shortcuts not in Outlook but in Archive Explorer
We're running EV 7.5 on Windows 2003 servers. Mail system is Exchange 2007 SP2 with Outlook 2007 SP2.
I notice that we have issues where users say they are missing archived items in their Outlook. When we ask them to check their Archive Explorer, they can see (and access) the items there. So it looks like the shortcuts have somehow been removed or misplaced - is this common? Does anyone know how this can happen?
Secondly, is there a way to recreate the shortcuts in Outlook again? I know we can right click on items in EV > Copy to Mailbox, but this seems to restore the entire item (i.e unarchives it) rather than just the shortcut? Which means the user then has to re-archive again, choosing whichever retention policy they need?
Finally, when viewing an archived item in Outlook, is there anyway to find out the retention policy that item has been archived under? For example, a user has an archived item and wants ot know how long that item will remain in the vault for before it's expired, how can they do that?
Can anyone help?
I notice that we have issues where users say they are missing archived items in their Outlook. When we ask them to check their Archive Explorer, they can see (and access) the items there. So it looks like the shortcuts have somehow been removed or misplaced - is this common? Does anyone know how this can happen?
It can be either from something such as Exchange Mailbox Manager just cleaning out old items (For instance mine is set to delete items older than 60 days, which encourages me to delete what i don't want, archive what I do want. Keeps the mailbox smaller and under quota)
It can be from Shortcut Expiry, in your Archiving Policy for the user, you will have a tab for shortcut expiry, which basically says if a shortcut is older than X amount of days, delete it.
And it can be that users are moving items and forgetting they've moved it, or it can be that they've deleted it and not known they've deleted it. It happens all the time
Secondly, is there a way to recreate the shortcuts in Outlook again? I know we can right click on items in EV > Copy to Mailbox, but this seems to restore the entire item (i.e unarchives it) rather than just the shortcut? Which means the user then has to re-archive again, choosing whichever retention policy they need?
So first of all, you cannot create shortcuts out of thin air, the item needs to exist for Enterprise Vault to modify. So yes you would have to restore the item. However in Archive Explorer there are two options
1. Move To Mailbox
2. Copy To Mailbox
A Copy To Mailbox restores the item, but it still exists in the users archive
A Move To Mailbox restores the item, but it deletes the original item from the users archive.
The user could manually rearchive it again, or they can just let EV automatically archive it after 60 days or whatever your policy is set to.Finally, when viewing an archived item in Outlook, is there anyway to find out the retention policy that item has been archived under? For example, a user has an archived item and wants ot know how long that item will remain in the vault for before it's expired, how can they do that?
If you have the full outlook client installed (DCOM Client), you should be able to go to the options of the message (i.e select the message and hit Alt-Enter), you should then have an Enterprise Vault tab that i believe tells you the Retention Category name and when it was archived