Forum Discussion

O_Schmidt's avatar
Level 5
3 years ago

Slow archive performance with Outlook 2016 on EV Server


Outlook 2013 is going end of life in April 2023. Because of that we try to update the Outlook version to 2016 on our EV Servers. After that we have a massive drop in archive performance. With Outlook 2016 we can only archive 10% of our mailboxes in one night. 
In this thread, a member described the same issue:

The solution from Veritas was to install Outlook 2013. I think this cannot be a good solution in the future. 
Does anyone have a good solution for this behavior?

  • Hi O_Schmidt,

    Thank you for the information. You could stay with Outlook 2013 on the EV server for the time being. 

    I would suggest to open a Support case and mention your situation and future upgrade plans. It may be possible to provide an update for the current version of EV. 



  • Hi O_Schmidt,


    I have upgrade to "Enterprise Vault 14.1.3" and the release note there is no mention of this issue, so I haven’t tried to upgrade the office.

    Now with the holiday coming will try upgrade using Outlook 2021, and I'll report the results

  • Hi Tonaco_pt,

    I suggest upgrading to 14.2.2 to get the following update. 

    • Exchange server archiving
      • CFT-4018: In specific conditions, installation of Outlook 2016 or later on the Enterprise Vault server causes Lie Mode Lock issues.

    Microsoft made many changes to the way Outlook 2016 and higher connects to Exchange which were not present in 2013. This caused the performance issues you were seeing. 



  • old thread, but still valid!


    This will help:


    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00








    The first key set Outlook to RPC/HTTP mode ... I've Outlook 2021 LTSC on the server running with normal archiving speed. On a different location we have Outlook 2016 running - that slow archiving problem was also fixed with the first key.


    Second key is necessary to prevent, that Outlook is trying to contact O365 and get in trouble with Logon Prompts and Profile problems ...


    Settings ar good for EV12.5 up to 14.3.x ... (14.4 not installed yet)

  • Hello all,

    I'm affraid I bring bad news.

    After upgrade Outlook 2013 to Outlook LTSC 2022, all the issue I had with outlook 2016 came back.

    I'll be rolling back to Outlook 2013 and only trying again after upgrade to vault 14.2

  • Is this the solution for the performance issues?
    I´m still on EV 12.5 and will be on 14.x mid/end of next year. 

    Is there a fix for 12.5 and Outlook 2016 and higher too?

  • Hi O_Schmidt,

    Yes, this update helps with the performance issue when using Outlook 2016 and higher.  What version of 12.5 are you currently running?  




  • Ok. Nice to know.

    We are on 12.5.2 and will update to 12.5.3 till the end of this year.