Forum Discussion

Choucroute's avatar
Level 3
7 years ago

SMTP archives permission


Is there a way to give specific permissions on all SMTP archives at once to a particular user?
I know there's EVPM for Exchange and Domino archives, and I need the same for SMTP.
Doing archives one by one takes ages.

Thanks a lot!
  • Hello,

    Which EV Version. I know in 12 there is a powershell cmdlet which let you do that: Set-EVArchivePermission

    • Choucroute's avatar
      Level 3


      Thanks for your answer Gertjan. Our EV version is 12.3.2.

      I read about the Set-EVArchivePermission cmdlet, however, I need to specify a particular archiveID name each time.


      Set-EVArchivePermission [-ArchiveId] <String> [-Trustee] <String> [-Grant <AccessRight[]> {Read | Write | Delete | All}] [-Deny <AccessRight[]> {Read | Write | Delete | All}] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]

      Is there a way to select all archives at once?



      Best regards.


      • GertjanA's avatar

        Hello again,

        You could perhaps use the pipe command:

        get-evarchive | Set-EVArchivePermission -Trustee DOMAIN\ACCOUNT -Grant Read -Confirm:$false


        that will do it for all archives, and you stated you need this for the SMTP archives only. There is an object called ArchiveType, which is ARCHIVE_TYPE_SMTP, but I am not sure how that would work. Maybe you can first get all archiveid's from the get-archive, then put the smtp id's in a list, the have set-evarchivepermission loop through that list. I am however not sure how to do that :-)