SMTP Journaling Target Config Error EV 12.3.1
Hi All
I have a customer that is using Exchange Journaling and want to move to SMTP Journaling on EV 12.3.1. I have created the SMTP task and retention Policies and a new SMTP Archive in the Journal Vault store. The task is being created on the same server which is hosting the standard EV mailbox journaling task
When I create a new SMTP target email address and associate it with the relevant archive I get a pop up window saying "the parameter is incorrect" and I can go no further.
There is nothing in the event logs when this happens.
Anyone seen this issue before with SMTP Journaling
Thanks in advance
Hi Gertjan
Yes SMTP additional install was installed and folders configured.
After doing a DTrace on SMTP Config I saw that it was having issues with applying the policy
Exception: The specified SMTP policy ID is not valid.|
Failed to put attributes into SMTPTarget object.
So I created a new SMTP policy and used that rather than the default SMTP policy and then created the target and it worked. All I can think is that the default policy was corrupted in the upgrade from 11 to 12 in some way
Not sure why this happened but it is working now