SQL query to change backupcomplete to 1
anyone have a sql statement to update the journalarchive table where backupcomplete = 0 to one on a specifig archiveid..
trying to work around the movearchive task as it is waiting for backup at destination..
i tried to attrib and ignorearchive bit and they haven't workedt yet..
Thanks in advance.....
Please please please don't run that query, it will just flood your event logs with errors because each item with a backupComplete = 0 means that it relies on an item in the watchfile table, so when it attempts to delete the record from the Journal table, you will get a 1336x error saying that theres a foreign key constraint because of the item in the watch file table.
You should probably look at IgnoreArchiveBitTrigger.txt instead for the easiest way to get out of it.
However because of the way that OSIS works, you may find that if you have multiple vault stores in the Vault Store Group, it may be awaiting the backup of a shared part in another vault store partition and not the one you are concentrating on.