SQL query to find users with an archive on a different EV server from the one they archived from.
I was hoping someone can help me write a SQL query to find out users who are being archived with a mailbox archive task on EVserver2. But the archive resides in EVserver1's storage. When archive schedule runs we are seeing very poor performance due to the items being sent from EVserver12 to EVserver1 storage service.
Finding this information out will help with making sure users are on the correct exchange servers DBs and we can move them accordingly.
I found this one in my 'archive'. I'm not sure it works, but worth a try.
--query to find mailboxes using a storage service on a different computer.
select A.ArchiveName, CE.ComputerName as 'Comp entry for task', CE2.ComputerName as 'Comp entry for storage' from ExchangeMailboxEntry EME
inner join exchangemailboxstore EMS on EME.mbxstoreidentity = EMS.mbxstoreidentity
inner join exchangeserverentry ESE on ESE.ExchangeServerIdentity = EMS.ExchangeServerIdentity
inner join archivingretrievaltask ART on ART.ExchangeServerEntryid = ESE.ExchangeServerEntryid
inner join task T on T.TaskEntryID = ART.TaskEntryID
inner join computerentry CE on CE.ComputerEntryID = T.ComputerEntryID
inner join root R on R.VaultEntryID = EME.DefaultVaultID
inner join archive A on A.rootidentity = R.RootIdentity
inner join vaultstoreentry VSE on VSE.VaultStoreEntryID = A.VaultStoreEntryID
inner join storageserviceentry SSE on SSE.ServiceEntryID = VSE.StorageServiceEntryID
inner join computerentry CE2 on CE2.ComputerEntryID = SSE.ComputerEntryID
where CE.ComputerEntryID != CE2.ComputerEntryID