11 years agoLevel 6
SQL Script to perform FSA item location in the File Server
Hi People,
Does anyone here got the SQL Script for the EV to show where are those file that was archived by EV in the file server ?
I need to restore all files that archived within a specific timerange. Unfortunately the FSA Utility cannot do it since I cannot find the parameters.
Hi John,
This script should list out all the paths for items archived between two dates:
CREATE TABLE #tmp ( Id VARCHAR(127) ) insert into #tmp (Id) ( SELECT DISTINCT [ArchivePointId] FROM [EVVSooVSoo_1].[dbo].[Saveset] inner join [EVVSooVSoo_1].[dbo].[ArchivePoint] on [EVVSooVSoo_1].[dbo].[Saveset].ArchivePointIdentity = [EVVSooVSoo_1].[dbo].[ArchivePoint].ArchivePointIdentity where [EVVSooVSoo_1].[dbo].[Saveset].ArchivedDate > '2014-03-17 12:34:00.000' AND [EVVSooVSoo_1].[dbo].[Saveset].ArchivedDate < '2014-03-17 12:39:00.000' ) select FolderPath from #tmp as t inner join [EnterpriseVaultDirectory].[dbo].[ArchiveFolderView] as AFV on t.Id = AFV.ArchiveVEID drop table #tmp
I use the full 'path' to my vault store so that I can get acess to the vault store database and the directory from the same query.
My test Vault Store database is:
Hope it helps