SynchInMigrationMode Question
Question - We have the reg key set to 0 so right now EV8.4 (Exch 2007) is not set to synch a mailbox when moved to existing archive. (at least this is the way I THINK it works) So when the provisioning task runs we get several 41107 events telling you to set the SynchInMigrationMode registry value to 1. My question is if I set the value to 1 now will I end up with some mailboxes that have 2 sets of archives and possibly not be able to access one of them? Where I work there is a different department for accounts, and through the acct creation process they are moved to a different OU after 90 days, and sometimes a different exchange server as well. We are going to be adding an additional exch server in the next month and will have to set the value to 1 then BUT was wondering if it would create any issues to just set the value to 1 and leave it there. To me this should be default behavior because we move users to different exchange servers quite a bit. SORRY for length of post and I have READ a bunch on SynchInMigrationMode and still am not quite clear on the implications of setting it to 1 and leaving it.
IF you are moving to different exchange servers then you definitely want synchInMigration mode set to 1, because otherwise you will end up with duplicate accounts as technically EV will see those moved mailboxes as entirely new mailboxes
However when you have the SynchInMigration mode switched on it will read the LegacyMbxDN (LegacyExchangeDN in AD terms) and determine whether that user belongs to a certain archive or not, if it matches then it will re-link the "new" exchange account to the users existing archive
If its not set then what will happen is it just see's that the user is different, and now you have an archive for UserA on Exchange Server A and another archive for UserA on Exchange Server BFor the most part i think the majority of companies (jncluding the one i work for) leaving synchinMigrationMode on permanantly, due to the fact that Exchange admins may move mailboxes without our knowledge and its safer that way for us.