system mailbox
in exchange 2010 DAG environments.
there are 3 cas server and 4 mbx servers.
all of the dbs are running in one mbx for example(this is up to customer choise.)
admin guide says that;
I tried this in different environment and then eveytime it sends an warning event,like;
system mbx is located different db and server ,please lacate the related server,it causes performance problem.(because of the db changes)
Use of the Exchange Server 2010 database availability groups and
Exchange Server mailbox archiving
Exchange Server 2010 uses database availability groups (DAGs) to provide
automatic database level recovery from failures of mailbox servers or individual
mailbox databases. When one database in a DAG fails, Exchange makes active
another passive copy of the database on a different mailbox server.
To ensure that the mailboxes you enable for archiving are always available to
Enterprise Vault, you must set up archiving for all the DAG member servers. You
must also target all the DAG member servers within one Enterprise Vault site.
It is possible to add an Exchange mailbox archiving task for a server, only when
it hosts an active Exchange database. Your environment might contain Exchange
2010 servers that act only as disaster recovery (DR) servers, and do not normally
host active DAG member databases. These servers must be set up for Exchange
server archiving because active DAG member databases can fail over to them.
However, while these servers are not hosting active databases, you cannot set
them up for Exchange mailbox archiving.
To set up Exchange mailbox archiving for a DR-only server
1 Fail over an active database to the DR-only server. This must be a database
that contains an Enterprise Vault system mailbox.
2 Add the DR-only server as an Exchange mailbox archiving target.
3 Add an Exchange mailbox archiving task for the DR-only server.
4 Fail back the database to the original host server.