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Loic_gouraud's avatar
16 years ago

task guardian Restarting failed process PST Locator Task



I've got a problem on PST locator task when scan hard drive for a server


On EV 8.0 the PST locator task crash and task guardian write in event log: 

151AEF9B811ABEB4F8FCB67C582F642A61012200ev - Restarting failed process.

The process has failed abnormally and will be restarted automatically.


The user that runs the task have enough rights to open remote registry and scan drives


Every 10 minutes it crashes on scan the server:

PST Locator Task Report File: C:\Program Files\Enterprise Vault\Reports\PstLocTask_320-SRVARCEVGAR

   24/02/2009 15:05:37 PST Locator Task started

Configuration Settings

   24/02/2009 15:05:37 Search for new computers at start of new search cycle: True
   24/02/2009 15:05:37 Number of retries after a networking error: 7
   24/02/2009 15:05:37 Delay time before a retry after a networking error: 1 Day
   24/02/2009 15:05:37 By default search for PSTs on each computer: False
   24/02/2009 15:05:37 Registry search: True
   24/02/2009 15:05:37 Interval between registry searches: 1 Day
   24/02/2009 15:05:37 Hard disk search: True
   24/02/2009 15:05:37 Interval between hard disk searches: 1 Day
   24/02/2009 15:05:37 Using Active Directory to find domains and computers
   24/02/2009 15:05:37 Location of the holding folder: \\320-srvarcevgar\D$\PSTholding


   24/02/2009 15:05:38 Hard Disk search on all computers has started

24/02/2009 15:06:07 Hard Disk search on 02-SRVFICH1GARE is starting...

And crash...


Have you ever seen that ?





2 Replies

  • What account are you running the PST locator task under?


    Are you able to from the Vault Server go to Start > Run > \\320-srvarcevgar\D$\PSTholding > Enter?


    Is the account that you are running this under been added to the PST section of Roles Based Administration?


    Is the account that you are running this under local admin on this File Server?


    Are you able from Regedit to go to File and Connect to Remote Registry of this File Server?


    Why don't you also setup a dtrace of the PSTLocatorTask and see where it is bombing out.

  • Hello


    Yes I am sure the account have enough rights (domain admin) I can use it to browse c$ or d$ and open remote registry on the fileserver (AD member).


    I dont konw how to use dtrace.