Forum Discussion

Svallas's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago

The EVConverterSandbox has high CPU - Full disk

 Hi all,

Can someone help me with the following problem.

I have already looked at comparable topics, only the solution often led me to a dead link. So thats why a new topic.

We work with Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit. The problem started since Enterprice Vault was out.

I started look at the Enterprice Vault server and the services were stopped, so i restarted them.

In the event logs, he indicated that the c: drive has gone full last saturday for a moment and she cleans automatically.

Currently, he still does. I also deal with CPU that hangs at 100% with the following processes that are high .

StorageCrawler.exe * 32
StorageOnlineOpns.exe * 32

In the event viewer it gives me about every 5 minutes a event that the EVConverterSandbox.exe has failed. (eventid 1000)

For the rest warning messages about the Storage Crawler (eventid 28993, 4255)


Does anyone have experience with this problem why the CPU is so high and how I can fix this?


Extra information:

Enterprise Vault

Symantec Corporation


  • Hello,

    YOu might want to check the TEMP and TMP location for the Vault Service Account. If you have a disk available, change the location for them for the VSA (Vault Service Account)

    Is this a new install of EV? If so, it might simply be that EV needs to archive lots from the mailboxes. Usually, the events indicate large attachments having issues being converted.

    Perhaps you can tweak the archiving a little, by start to archive the largest mailboxes first, or archive everything older than 6 months (instead of 30 days or whatever your setting is now).

    YOu might also want to look at the registry key called: delfilesolderthanhours

    This is described in the Registry_Values.pdf


  • Hi and thanks for you quicly responce.

    It is indeed the temp folder is always full and automatically cleans. C:\EVTEMP

    Im just looking where this is configured but havent found out yet.

    Do you know where I can change the location of this?

    I'm a bit of a newbie with Enterprise Vault. And i'm still learning.


    And to answer the question of this is a new install: The answer is no.



  • the temp folder should be an environment variable in windows.

    right click on my computer, properties, advanced system settings, environment variables.