Throttling Policy - User does not contain a user with a mailbox error
[PS] C:\>.\SetEVThrottlingPolicy.
Successfully connected to [Exchange Server]
Using Domain Controller:
Invalid parameter value: -User does not contain a user with a mailbox. Please pass in a valid username.
We can open the mailbox correctly.
SetEvPermissions script rund correctly, Add-AddPermissions also runs correctly.
Only Throttling fails with this error.
The user name "evsvc" is also the alias & the mailbox name, so no chance we are wrong regarding username.
Running this on evsvc01 & evsvc02 (system mqilboxes for exchange 2010) - same error on Throttling policy, no errors on the rest of the scripts.
Anyone see this issue before?
after many tests with Symantec, it was decided to go with this way: