Throttling Policy for new E2013
Do we need to create a new throttling policy if we are introducing Exchange 2013 servers in Exchange 2010 environment?
I found this article:
But there is a note:
Note: Please do not follow this steps if Microsoft Exchange 2013 is being deployed in a mixed environment with throttling policy already configured for Exchange 2010.
Hi I am pretty sure the note is for the manual creation of throttling policy. It seems that you can only manually create it when you are using Exchange 2010.
What you will have to do is:
if you archive from Exchange 2010 and 2013>>
run Exchange Management Shell from Exchange 2013 server
use the setEVThrottlingPolicy Powershell script with the "version" option.
First set it for Exchange 2010 then for Exchange 2013 (version has "2010" OR "2013AndLater" as values)