Forum Discussion

Level 2
10 years ago

Timout and cookies


We are using EV with Exchange 2013. Due to corporate policies, we are in need to:

- Timeout the user session in case of inactivity after certain period (ex. 20 mins). The timeout we need is on web browser where user performs search. What i heard and understand is that user session inactivity deconnexion setting in IIS has no effect on search pages provided by EV. Is there any way to enfore our corporate policy by setting session expiratoin is asp page, global.asa or web.config?

- Make the cookies HttpOnly for security reasons. Can this be set in global.asa?

Generally, will modifications to web.config have effect on web pages produced by EV?


Thanking you in advance for your supports and help.

Best regards,



  • you might be able to get some pointers from support if you open a ticket but i dont know that what you're asking for is available in a standard config. plus, you'd have to reconfig after every service pack and/or upgrade since the settings would likely get overwritten each time. - just something to be aware of.

  • What would the timeout accomplish exactly?  Because of IWA users do not have to log in to do a search, right?  So even if there is a time out it is not like they would need to log back in.

3 Replies

  • Can someone help or give some pointers please?

    Thanking you in advance.


  • you might be able to get some pointers from support if you open a ticket but i dont know that what you're asking for is available in a standard config. plus, you'd have to reconfig after every service pack and/or upgrade since the settings would likely get overwritten each time. - just something to be aware of.

  • What would the timeout accomplish exactly?  Because of IWA users do not have to log in to do a search, right?  So even if there is a time out it is not like they would need to log back in.