Tool to verify Vault Store and find how many DVS files are missing
Hi, is there any tool available to verify a Vault Store and find how many DVS files are missing? We believe that some DVS files are missing from a legacy vault store. Just need to find what are missing and how many of them.
Also any way to truncate these records so that we don't get those red events about missing DVS files?
Also if anyone can explain this - the vault store usage page is showing total size for a vault store is is 8TB, but actual consume space in disk is about 5TB. Does the usage page shows total space including the space that is saved by single instancing? We can see that single instance space saving is about 3TB from SQL reporting.
Many Thanks in advance
Sorry, I had a moment. EVSVR is what you need, not VSVerify.
Article:HOWTO37650 | Created: 2010-12-24 | Updated: 2012-06-27 | Article URL Starting EVSVR
Article:HOWTO37651 | Created: 2010-12-24 | Updated: 2012-06-27 | Article URL Also, the usage.asp does not take SIS into account.